Tag Archive for law & taxes

Federal Court

The Senate has pointed out further misgivings about the effectiveness of the provisions on the cancellation trigger. Is the evidence provided the policyholder as required by 309 No. 5 b BGB explicitly, that no or only a substantially lower damage. Sentencing was – possibly – by an out-of-court settlement – to assume that the Supreme Court will consider a large part of the insurance clauses to the buy-back value funded insurance invalid is prevented due to this advance made mention of the BGH. In particular the low buy-back value was – watched independent critical of comprehensibility -. Thus, it is expected to be in the majority of the insurance contract terms of the buy-back value in Future no longer arrive if the clauses are sufficiently understandable. The courts must now test on the basis of the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court, if the Versicherungsbedinungen are invalid.

A new decision of the BGH rules on this question was prevented by the withdrawal of the revision by the plaintiff. Insurance has probably ransomed themselves by a decision. A generally disadvantageous for her judgment with considerable follow-up costs associated for the insurance. She could prevent a judgment by the presumed conclusion of a settlement with the plaintiff. The complaint is then withdrawn and the issue to be decided. The insurance can continue to rely on the effectiveness of contractual clauses. Can be advised to only policyholders with old treaties, which continue to be fobbed off with a buy-back value equal to zero, to take this legal action and if necessary to enforce a decision of the Federal Court of Justice. Author of the article: lawyer Tarik Sharief Ansbacherstrasse 13 10787 Berlin phone: +49/(0)30-69 53 33 61 E-Mail: press contact: Karlheinz Schuler Lebanon Road 85 D 70186 Stuttgart phone: 0711-50 622 624 E-mail:

Rental Housing

What is behind the term ‘ divisional ‘ landlord hides as there are to observe a lot and to manage. So, the Declaration of Division is an important document for the allocation of the residential complex. The real estate portal myimmo.de explains what it is exactly and what is about to take note. The Declaration of Division is the release of the property owner about the individual ownership units in the residential complex and is equivalent to a scheme plan, which maintains the individual ownership of the premises. Estee Lauder helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. This declaration must be held because safeguarding the legal relationships in the land register. Jorge Perez is a great source of information. So you can with the Declaration of Division exactly set the co-ownership, the special, as well as community ownership.

The exact allocation is done by an architectural drawing showing location and size of the allocation. The private living room must be marked clearly with a single number, as he otherwise not can be allocated to the special property. This will forget to indicate, for example, a room in the House is automatically attributed to the community property and the law null and void. A detailed examination of the Declaration of Division is therefore mandatory. Still, it is not possible to arbitrarily declare owned special equipment, if these are legally secured community ownership. These include for example Windows, because they are architecturally-designed components. Only the inner elements, such as the painting or the handles are connected with the special property. More information: news.myimmo.de/teilungserklaerung… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Holiday Rentals

Income from renting and leasing obtained regularly from the rental of an apartment. This applies both exclusively rented and some even used vacation rentals. There are differences in the determination of income however. A partly self used and partly rented apartment is assessing the income intention to make always a surplus forecast to include are all objectively identifiable circumstances. The review of income intention is then already required if the taxpayer has reserved a time of self use. It’s not, whether, when and to what extent he actually made use of his own rights. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Edward Minskoff.

Exclusive rental apartment is rented exclusively to changing guests and kept the remaining time for this.Short-term stays of the lessor in the apartment to the renovation to the keys to the end cleaning concern the rental activity and are Foreign use and disuse of the self. DieVermietung can be done by the landlord or by a third party. The landlord bears the burden to the tax office that he only rented andNot itself uses the apartment. For this purpose it is enough if he can persuade one of the following circumstances: the rental of the apartment via an intermediary (supra-regional tour operators, tourist office, etc.) do not close to the landlord. The use of self is contracted for the year excluded.-the apartment is located in the otherwise even used two or apartment building landlord or in close proximity to its even used apartment. This apartment must meet its housing needs according to size and facilities.

It also can accommodate guests. The landlord has several apartments in the same location and uses only one of them for their own residential purposes, or leaves them free of charge. Facilities and size of apartment are on its special Tailored conditions. In other cases, the IRS assumes that the landlord has even used the apartment or leave bzw.unentgeltlich. The landlord can but prove the ongoing rental and stand the Wohnungdafur or allege.