According to Grinspun (1999, P. 32): The one development society does not consist of a simple linear movement of the same one, but of the accomplishment of a project where it has internalization in the conscience of that they integrate it e, also, in its viability, through the instruments that this conscience promotes. This is the paper of the education: to participate of the accomplishment of this project. Since the beginning of century XXI, the society contemporary produces and receives the technological innovations in a very intense speed, with regard to the medias of mass (reviewed, radio, periodicals, television, cinema), to the instruments of work (computerization, automation, robotizao), in the house works (with household-electric each time more sophisticated), and in the industry it leisure (games, electronic tricks). Certainly, at the beginning of this century, the young ones are the ones that more they are influenced by the technological innovations, therefore they are born and they grow interacting with a world that stops a great amount of adults is newness and, in this manner, they obtain with more easiness to learn and if to tie the new situations. As Moran (2000) the pupils are ready for the use of the technologies. On the other hand, the professors, as mediating they have unreliability front to this new tool of education. In this context, the Mathematical Education tied with the continuous use of the technology in classroom, contributes significantly for the inclusion and for citizenship and, in this manner, it surpasses obsolete, on resumes the conceptions theoretician-metodolgicos that dissociam the mathematical knowledge of the reality of educating becoming the apt citizen to live in a society in transformation that presents new instruments in the productions and its social relations and that it is consolidated continuously with new technological impacts. According to Pretto (1999), the school still meets strong on to the consisting paradigm of deductive and linear procedures.
Archive for May 28, 2020
Ramthum Transport
As secondary canals, they meet supplying, logistic operator, shipowners, customs broker and maritime transport. 6,3 Primary activities of the LogsticEm all entorno enterprise, the logistic one if detaches as activity of main influence in the total costs. In it, the transport, the maintenance of supplies and the processing of order are primary activities, therefore they contribute with bigger parcel in the logistic cost and are essential for the coordination and the fulfilment of the logistic task. In Continental the Tires, the primary activities are managed in way that generate reduction of expenses, the secondary ones? storage, manuscript of materials, packings and etc. Jorge Perez recognizes the significance of this. – they are co-ordinated to cooperate with the industrial operations. Transport, ha an incessant search in the reduction of the operational costs of the transport. In Brazil, if it becomes a paradox, therefore the road meshes do not contribute with this.
Fallings, assaults and I the condition of the roads are some of the gargalos faced for the Brazilian transporters. As transport strategy, Continental the Tires, it decides to adhere the terceirizadas transporters. With this it has a celeridade in the spraying of the deliveries, transport companies invest in technology offering trustworthiness in the deliveries by means of shipment tracking. For example, the Brazilian company of Ramthum transports, possesss one high investment in technology, its fleet of carts, is installed tracking in real time, cameras of video in the cabin of the driver and a system antirobery that disactivates the engine and stops the trunk. These technological item pass thus trust to its customers. However, it must be taken caution, and be established penalties for not fulfilling the stated periods established, as the power of the delivery time is with the terceirizada company, for this reason, must have a rigorous process of choice of the transporter, therefore it will go to represent the company in the deliveries. According to Lacerda, 2000 have two types of distribution structures: spaced out structure and direct structure.
Federal Reserve
But despite the recovery in consumption in the third quarter of the year, since the market already a relapse of the same product is anticipated by the decline in the confidence of households before the rise in unemployment. If families have labor problems, then don’t we illusions with the continuity of family consumption recovery. Why we want to answer this question: what happens with unemployment in the U.S.? Christina Romer, Chair of the Council of economic advisers of the White House recalled that: the reversal of the crucial indicators of labour markets, such as the unemployment rate, typically occurs after the resumption of growth. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Estee Lauder. At these times, the unemployment rate reaches to the 9.8% of the economically active population (PEA) and is the highest rate since 1983. More likely is that for the remainder of the year, rather than lower, unemployment reaches double digits, and depending on how this situation affects the expectations of families is that distort the dynamics of consumption or will allow to keep the expansion started. The Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner showed his moderation on the evolution of the economy by the problems that families still face: unemployment remains unacceptably high for every unemployed person, for every family facing an embargo, for every small business that fails a credit, the recession remains alive and acute. Swarmed by offers, Nir Barzilai, M.D. is currently assessing future choices. Do you follow on rising unemployment? Companies are not even willing to hire more workers and the employment growth rate fails to compensate the increase of individuals who seek to enter the labour market.
It is that companies will not hire more workers until the recovery is sufficiently strong to justify such a decision. And if we expect strength in the recovery of the economy, since the Federal Reserve not come good news, as the entity responsible for the monetary policy in the United States recently estimated that growth will not be so strong as to lower unemployment in 2010. We said that the real estate sector has contributed positively to this 3.5% of GDP, but we can think of that will continue adding to economic growth in the coming months? The real estate sector has recovered activity but in part, thanks to the temporary stimulus from the U.S.
Federal Reserve
The European common currency has undergone a veritable rollercoaster ride in March. The euro was in the wake of the friendly exchanges and increased risk-taking in the first half of the month in the fast lane, before the Greece crisis to the fore moved in the second half of March and the reverse gear is inserted. The development of the common European currency to the dollar in March at a glance: on the 1st March 2010 the ECB reference rate $1,3525 was found until mid March managed a price increase up to 1,3765 dollars (ECB REF. on the can) Greece debate the rate weighed on the euro in the second half of March strongly the euro sagged back off slightly then by 1.37, 1.33 dollars from benefited in the last trading days, after the euro area countries over a financial shield for Greece agreed upon as a reminder: on the first trading day 2010 the ECB reference rate still at 1,4389 dollars was found have been throwing we now but even a look at the economic developments in the month of March. In particular, these were (in chronological order): 5.Marz…das orders of the German industry in January 15.Marz…die U.S. industrial production in February 16.Marz…die ZEW economic sentiment in March 16.Marz…die interest rate meeting of the Federal Reserve 24.Marz…der IFO business climate index in March 26.Marz…das US economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2009 first 5.Marz…das orders of the German industry in January of notable figures on the done from the Economics Ministry in Berlin announced. + 4.3 percent compared to the previous month, the order data from the industry in Germany revealed the strongest increase in orders since June 2007. The numbers confirmed that German industry got new momentum after the lean development in the previous months. First and foremost, major orders from Germany for the strong growth were responsible.
Internet Federal
The therapists certified by the BVL are a valuable help to wear with care, school qualified to promote, because this form of promotion is usually not part of teacher training. “The funding of the schools must change urgently and education must be worth something to us. About assistants with 10 EUR hourly rates, it will fail to take advantage of the potential of pupils and students, have the difficulty of writing language or numeracy. Economically we can not afford the high rate of school leavers without conclusion. Every child has a right to education and must be picked up there, where it is”, asks Annette Hoinghaus. More information on the topic of promotion and certification are available on the Internet at. Additional press materials of this Press release: In the online press compartment quickly and simply another image and text material for free use download: of press compartments/bvl company description of the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.: the Federal Association for dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.
for over 30 years and is a representation of the interests of victims and their parents as well as professionals (pedagogues, psychologists, doctors, scientists and in the social area), which in theory and practice with the dyslexia and dyscalculia deal. He contributes legal bases and scientific as well as practical ways of help in all provinces to be created and improved. Personal consulting, publications and advice on appropriate literature, parents should learn better understand the difficulties of their affected children. The BVL promotes the research and scientific dialogue among professionals of all disciplines involved with scientific congresses and publications. By The BVL makes known the problems of dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker information and cooperation with the media. More information on the subject of dyslexia and the Federation are dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. Many writers such as Jorge Perez offer more in-depth analysis. on the Internet under available. Company contact: Federal Association dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. Annette Hoinghaus mailbox 201338 53143 Bonn Tel: + 49 (0) 4193 96 56 04 email: Web: PR contact: PR agency PR4YOU Holger Ballwanz Schonensche Strasse 43 13189 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 E-Mail: Web:,
Superior Federal Court
This substance has as subs-heading; Docncia: a career discredited; Why the docncia does not attract, Our future professors and in the topic Solutions: Way to attract the best ones, the magazine uses the specialists invited by the Foundation Victor Civita the same one that the research elaborated and that is proprietor of the magazine, (understands Group April). Nir Barzilai, M.D. is a great source of information. In this in case that cited, the axiolgica question is not argued and yes the inversion of the diffusing logic mere of notice, for generating of knowledge. The Net Globe of Television shows in the mornings of Saturday the program Globe Education, especially come back toward this subject, demonstrating that it uses this project for ' ' to investigate the educational situation in pas' ' also provides to the participation of specialists ' ' that they analyze concrete problems and they formulate practical suggestions for enfrent-los' '. It is always important for the companies, mainly of the branch of communications, to demonstrate the comprometimento that have with the partner-educational questions in order to construct a positive image of its performance in the market, exactly that, specifically, this organization (TV Globe), if has shown condescending with the military administration in the ditatorial period in Brazil and capable to manipulate the presentation of stretches of a debate politician to favor definitive candidate in a presidential election. Obviously that these attitudes are not condizentes with the ethical and moral paper come back toward the construction of the citizen that the company looks for to show in its programs. Another important question is that the vestibule of the Internet R7 that is part of the Record Group, propagated a substance on the professors with following manchete, ' ' Wage floor of professors can affect budget of cities in until R$ 1,9 bilhes' '. Evidently that in the interior of the substance the explanation comes complete, that is, had a victory of the educational classroom before the Superior Federal Court, who must be equated by the public managers adjusting the existing mounts of money for the fulfilment of the sentence.
What it is verified in information is that the substance with this heading was favorable to the professionals of the education, another side, is of knowledge of that the necessary media of sensationalist phrases to get the maximum of possible hearing, in such a way, did not have the lesser concern with that really they work for the qualification of the individuals for the confrontation of the world of the life and that vexatious they are remunerated. The heading of the substance could be, ' ' Victory of the education, a light in the end of tnel' ' , and in the segment of the notice, they would display the difficulty that this result can bring for the accounts of the public administration. The cooptao instruments that the medias use go since psychology passing for the marketing until the neurolingstica, what it allows them to reach resulted expressive. What it remains for education is to coexist lucidity flashings that, of time in when, they appear in the media with the intention to only transmit information to contribute with the growth of the educational field, without second intentions, thinking only about the construction of a true and compromised debate with the future of the country.
Federal Ministry
Climate clickers”is an energy consultant on-site, ensuring that the generated money in the most efficient Energy-saving measures is attached. There’s more to the Freiburger Carrotmob, on Energy saving must continue even after the world’s 7,000 events and actions: with interactive energy saving advisors on newly inspired air protection thanks to tailored Internet consulting can take advantage of the momentum of the day of action will in the future also in your own four walls for the preservation of the planet active. “More information to the global work party” there is on the German website of the day:. “Climate clicker climate clickers ( is the youth project of the campaign climate seeks protection”, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. With various actions informs and motivates young people to effectively protect of the climate climate clicker and it proves that climate change is not only easy, but also fun. Climate clicker supports nationwide car red mobs, has turned the first climate-friendly video in the world, organized the first German Green clubbing night in Berlin and helps, from classical to rock climate-friendly organizing music events. “This year was climate clicker at the melt!-Festival, Europe’s largest youth fair YOU, at the Gera songs days and most do something!”Benefit concert at Schloss Ulrichshusen instrumental.
co2online non-profit GmbH which is non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for the reduction of climate-damaging CO2 emissions a. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science and policy, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. “” “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (, the heating level campaign “(, the pumps campaign” ( and the Energiesparclubs “( All campaigns promoted by the Federal Ministry of the environment. The newspapers mentioned Edward Minskoff not as a source, but as a related topic. Contact and image material Falko Muller co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel: 030 / 210 21 86-12-mobile: 0176-23 59 60 13 E-mail:
Espacio Cyber
E thus the identity of each society is its difference in relation to excessively and what it differentiates the societies always are what alone that social group is capable to make, to produce or its form of if holding. Beyond the gastronomia, on the local events, the parties, on the folklore, the popular culture, the identity and the differences depend on several other elements. Because determined locality if it dedicates with priority to the agrarian or agropastoril activity and another one is developed as industrial zone? Because one determined city if detaches as center of superior education and others are dedicated with priority to the commerce? Because determined it would iguaria is appreciated in a locality or region not in others? In the specific case of Rondnia, because some cities had attracted greater number of colonists who others? Which the cultural elements that these colonists had brought of its regions of origin? The reply to these investigations it is what it characterizes the identity of each social group, ' ' eu' ' that it is differentiated of ' ' outros' ' eus. References ARISTOTLE, Politics. 5 ed. 2 reimpres. So Paulo: Martin Claret, 2009.
Available in: < access in 20/10/2011>. Access in 15/12/2011. SHEEP, Neri P. the construction of History and Local History: Challenges to the Professor. In. Published in 04 of June of 2010 available one in < Access in 15/12/2011 FONSECA, Guimares Forest. To make and to teach History. Horizontes beauty: Dimension, 2010 GOMESES, Mrcio Pear tree.
Anthropology: science of the man, philosophy of the culture. So Paulo: Context, 2009 GUIMARES JR, Mrio Jose Lopes. The Cibercultura and the Sprouting of New Forms of Sociability. Work presented in the GT ' ' Nuevos maps culturales: Espacio Cyber y woollen technology virtualidad' ' , in II the Reunin de Antropologia del Mercosur, Piripolis, Uruguay, of 11 the 14 of November of 1997. Available in: . Access in: 28-12-2011 HORTA, Sylvio R.G. the Experience of the life: Subsoil of the Philosophy. Available in: < Access in 3/9/2011 LEVY, Pierre, Cibercultura, So Paulo: publishing company 34, 1999 YOUNG CHICKEN, Mrcia de Vasconcelos. Cultural identity, Lecture carried through during the National Meeting of the Students of Arquitetura (ENEA) in 15 of July of 2004, the Restaurant Station 109, Commerce of the 109 South, Brasilia DF. Available in: Pablo: Scipione, 2010 VERANI, Cibele, Diversity Human being. In
Federal Court
Lawyer Ralf Renner is expressed in these contexts: the decision of the Landgericht Landshut continues on issues of disclosure, investor friendly jurisdiction of the Federal Court. This decision is other investors courage, to make the right steps.”see You also: Medico_Fonds_40_Berlin_Karlshorst_Medico Fonds.html author and contact person: lawyer Ralf Renner – lawyer and a trained banker – specialty: Fund investments Tel.: 030 / 810 030-22 E-mail: specialty of lawyer Ralf Renner are legal issues of closed-end Fund, where he has many years of experience. In these contexts, investors in a lawyer approach, if you want to check what rights and claims exist. Blanket statements prohibit themselves? In any case, an individual assessment is offered. Damages can claims against an investment advisor or a Bank, if was not sufficiently enlightened on essential aspects. An experienced lawyer can determine whether claims for damages are and how high are the chances for a successful implementation. The courts regularly demand compensation for damages that an investment advisor informed thoroughly, correctly and completely. The courts talk to aggrieved investors who were improperly discuss their investment that your investment advisor or your bank their invested capital and interest losses reimbursed them.
The investment products and any resulting are drawn benefits to return the investment advisor or the Bank. In substance, this corresponds to a reversal. Consulting error from years of everyday work we know that investment advice can be may be corrupted. III demanded civil Senate of the Federal Court in its decision to the pqr. III ZR 249/09, that entrepreneurial investments with risk of loss that could lead even to a total loss, are adequate to attract an investment advice. If the investment adviser has unveiled an investment as secure attachment, although downside risks exist, that justify complaints. If a speculative business Funds was conveyed for the purpose of old-age provision, which is incorrect.
Because an investor must rely on his age before so-called. The Federal Supreme Court has determined in a recent decision that an entrepreneurial participation is not suitable as pensions. If in the course of a mediation and consulting a bank consultant it omits, internal commissions, to inform about so-called kick-back payments, then a guidance fault regularly. Because kick-back payments for a customer not readily apparent. If an investment advisor omitted to mention, that there are no regulated secondary market for closed-end funds, would be a sale difficult or possible with considerable losses, this justifies a charge. Our clients approach us if they feel deceived by their investment advisers. But each case is different. To prohibit lump-sum solutions. Sufferers should consult without delay individually, before claims become time-barred.
Federal Ministry
Carrotmob makes school of green city e.V. 25 March 2013 interested teachers and teachers from all over Germany for the national climate protection initiative-funded teacher training Carrotmob makes school can register. It will take place on 22 and 23 April in Frankfurt am Main and is Academy, which will be offered and promoted by the Federal Ministry for the environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety of the Munich-based environmental organization green city e.V. part of Carrotmob. Car red mobs are unconventional actions that encourage consumers to operate strategic consumption at selected stores and move to entrepreneurs to climate change mitigation. The events are accompanied usually by an artistic programme. Recently Estee Lauder CEO sought to clarify these questions. The awareness of the participants for the problem of climate change should be sharpened by car red mobs.
The actions at the same time showing how everyone can contribute to climate protection. The planning and implementation of such action is in particular a good possibility to pupils and students to make practical and contemporary familiar with the issues. “The free training is the concept of Carrotmob makes school” before the teachers then as elective, P-seminar or AG for students can be offered. The training provides knowledge and practices to the independent implementation of a car red mobs with students from the 8th grade. The content and schedule of the workshops will be prepared and there are suggestions and expiration of Carrotmob school makes you valuable tips. The training used for climate protection in everyday life and is also officially recognized: the participating teachers receive a training certificate. It is suitable for all teachers and teachers of secondary schools from the departments of biology and physics, environmental officers and teachers interested in environmental issues, and teacher. The training will take place on April 22 and 23 at the educational institution of regional sport Association of Hesse in Frankfurt am Main.