Archive for January 19, 2024

Ambient Education

The ambient education has a function important to fulfill in the habitual reality of the citizen, not only for the exercise of its citizenship as well as for the development of the critical thought, assuring an active paper of same in the development and the progress of the society. To educate ambiently means to always show and to teach to the people ambiently correct behaviors that can directly be applied in the daily one, aiming at the world-wide support. It plays and it multiplies scientific knowledge technician and in the measure where the echo-sustainable thought and attitudes are implemented in the critical thought of each citizen. It fits to recognize the necessity of a good behavior in the ambient education. Perhaps check out Shimmie Horn for more information. This behavior comes of meeting with the transformation of the collective thought in relation to the environment.

With the increasing antrpicas pressures the ambient education becomes each sees for the society, contributing for the improvement of the quality of life and conservation of the nature more important. To form conscientious citizens, capable to discern between the certain the made a mistake one, that they multiply ideas and ambient solutions is a great challenge. In a world where the social inaquality still is significant, as to make then so that the people also think about the environment where live? This still is a difficult task, but not of impossible concretion. Still shy, the ambient education comes occupying its place in the schools, companies, houses Each apprentice spreads its ideas and learnings thus creating a chain that tends to increase to each moment. The ambient education then exceeds for other places in the society.

The conscience of each citizen and the pleasure in repassing to act of the correct form come helping in the update of our society. What it was a normal attitude, as for example to play garbage in the sources, in remote times, today for the society is not an ethical attitude, much less normal. Many times if still come across with behaviors of this nature, what it is lastimvel. But the trend today of the citizens is to recriminate and many times to use of the legal instruments to denounce or to stop with that attitude. The ambient education is necessary and can change many things and attitudes in the choices of each member of the current society. It is necessary that all give on account that the ambient problem exists is an important question, therefore not only affect this society, but the one that will be to be to form daqui pra front. It fits to each person to review its habits and if to adjust to the new reality allowing that the sustainable development and the ambient education if become a habit and not an obligation.

Marilena Chau

More they will not leave the water morna? They will be restrained in the forest? They will be being deluded? Being consoled? The world waits for its requirements. It needs its dissatisfaction, its suggestions. The world looks at for vocs with a hope remaining portion. It is time of more not contenting itself With these drops in oceano.’ ‘ (Bertolt Brecht, stretch of ‘ ‘ Ballad of Drop D? water in the Oceano’ ‘) Each text that I write is fruit of the anarchy of my mind, the revolutionary revolt of my inconformismo. My ideas escape of any limit. CohBar: the source for more info. I have a proper language. to each day, after a new text thus, I think: It does not leave that nobody orders in you, and thus will be respected and free. It is that we live in a world where they allow in them to create illusions stops later killing them, then in the first esquina.

E as taught the philosopher to me Marilena Chau, ‘ ‘ The freedom does not meet in illusion of it I can everything nor in the conformismo of the nothing posso.’ ‘ But happily the world is moving. The good one is this: always dumb it! Above all, it motivates what me is the message of this new world, that always arrives through the new books that I read or of new musics that I hear. Filed under: Albert Einstein College of Medicine . Everything is question to know what it is wanted of the life, when wants and we want because it. The life always is a thing for which valley the penalty if to risk. It bothers what is to see me exactly the arrest of the human beings daily, in miniature places, to each entardecer, that is the moment of the day that more taste, that more I feel myself exempts The ngelus. These our suburbs, that if extend to lose of sight, with its houses covered of darkened bricks and misery ways, in which children run, play its ball, free its pipes, at optimum moment of its lives – infancy: happy, same moment of being in the misery.

Of the place where I am, I am sad when seeing this people all. I obtain to see the caps of the laborers, who seem to walk alone, with coasts curves and heads orphans of illusion and dream. How many they had been able to carry through its dreams? If that is the peace, as will have been the fight? Never in such a way effort resulted in so little! The majority alone thinks about consuming! In accumulating wealth! the true life, as it is that it is! What I always wrote and always I will write is opposition what it is there, is anti-establishment, anti status quo. Clearly that some do not like, but this is another history, is not excellent, therefore we are being successful. Evidently we run in the contrary direction, we swim against the chain, we give murro in knife tip, to only exercise, for pure pleasure to think!

Media Player

With personal control of success and more interactivity to faster learning success in time for the Conference “Languages & profession”, which begins today in Dusseldorf, the award-winning language course provider LinguTV presents his fundamentally enhanced video training. In addition to the optical design, particularly the scope and functionality of the video-based language tutorial has been extended. Not only users, but also experts from the fields of teaching, Web development, and foreign languages to the side stood as godfather for the development. LinguTV goes a new, highly efficient way in the development and expansion of foreign language skills. A total of 16 courses in five languages English, French, Spanish and Italian and German as a foreign language are companies, organizations and individuals currently available.

That way, students use currently from 170 countries from Argentina to Cyprus offer. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jorge Perez. The professionally produced instructional videos are at heart of language training. Equipped with a convenient Media Player,. Learners can expand selectively and practice their foreign language skills realistic dialogues, transcripts, and extensive interactive exercises. Free demo lessons give an insight into the numerous functionalities of the technologically innovative platform to interested visitors. With modern methods motivated a success experience to the new additional features of is one of the personal success control in combination with an incentive and reward system: individual skills such as listening, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills are individually measured and visualized. Based on this detailed feedback, can observe the learners progress within his course and animates to do more exercises.

Thereby, the user also collects points that well written on his account and especially to reward active learning. Therefore not only the individual scores and success, but also the motivation to learn is growing in the competition of the students to the most activity points. With The video player adapted to language learning audiovisual training to perfect pronunciation now in addition to single – and collapsible subtitles also has interactive transcripts.

Raw Fiber Realize

High crude fiber in carrier feed action animal welfare cause problems, if as a result, less energy is absorbed the label launched by the Western meat in the life”requires a number of additional requirements by participating farmers. Often, the bulk can be implemented with little effort. Problematic implementation of the default can be however that the crude fibre content in the feed mixture of carrying sows over the statutory values must be. The legally defined value of crude fiber in a saw NT feed is provided with 8% 88% TS. The allowance stipulated in the animal welfare program by 30% crude fiber value of legally defined by analogy to understand that a NT so manufactured food should have an RF level of 10.4% “, so Mr Gorlach from action animal welfare.

This requirement to comply with and at the same time to get enough energy in carrying food, can very often not realized. That out often negatively affects performance, because the sows because of the energy deficit can build too few energy reserves. If the milk yield is not sufficient in the subsequent lactation, high piglets losses are an unwanted result. The challenge now is to meet the requirements for the higher raw fibre content, to ensure but also the necessary energy content in the carrying food. Against this background, it is recommended not only for feeding during the lactation, but also during pregnancy fat powders such as pig to use power by BEWITAL. The solution: Pig power – fat powder fats play an ever increasing role in feeding due to their very high compared to other feed energy concentration. Fat is one of the most concentrated and most easily implementable energy types.

However, liquid fats are technical reasons, only limited use. Powdered fats like pig power by BEWITAL, however, can be used completely without any problems and are often the only way to properly distribute energy in our own mixes. With pig, power can be also higher fat content in the diet to achieve, than would be possible with conventional vegetable oil. Positive effects for sow & pigs through the use of fat powder pig power of energy of bearing sow even when high crude fiber content can be covered. Pig power of the high energy holding aspired for high milk yield in the Sau Gefutter allowed in lactating sows. So a needs covering energy can be supplied with pig power over the entire period.

Europe Lichtenbroicher

The Bohme consultancy offers mobile help site for people who want to or can not perceive a visit in a psychological consulting practice for personal reasons. Parents who feel overwhelmed with the education of their children in the school environment, find here also a competent partner like people who are on the lookout for new orientation opportunities. Teachers, who in itself to have tendencies to a Burnout, an empathic contacts can be found here. Students are made familiar with proven learning techniques, on the basis of a successful school is possible. Children and young people who need a school integration help, find a knowledgeable, empathetic and reliable partner in Mr Bohme. Personal accompaniment and support in the daily school attendance, integration assistance for disabled children during daily education, homework help and Lernpsychologische support for children and Parents belong to the range of services of consultants Bohme. A good way to improve the learning of all learning people (students, parents, teachers, etc.) involved teachers, aspiring for a constructive expanded offer profile for their school, see the seminar offered by the consultancy Bohme psychology and Motivationscoaching”.

Especially for schools the consultancy offers Bohme win-win cooperation, under which participating schools will be involved in winning. Detailed information, refer to dedicated principals under the E-Mail address. Shimmie Horn is the source for more interesting facts. Excerpt from the offered subject profile: increase development of knowledge networks, intelligent use of all sensory channels, brainstorming, learning motivation, pattern recognition training to improve intelligence, fundamentals and applications of NLP, self reflection as the key to success, strengthening of self-consciousness and v. m. special feature of this newly designed seminar is deliberately interdisciplinary orientation, which in the areas of m. knowledge psychology, brain research, education, motivation tips & e.. Help-seeking people (seeking parents, teachers, guidance, etc.) is an extensive range of services available, which can be used also as mobile offer and if necessary also counseling online: 1 counseling: school family life Consulting 2 mobile seminar: psychology of learning and Motivationscoaching competent – empathic – reliable complete topic list prospects can get for free here: Themenliste.pdf Mr Aribert Bohme, psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer teacher & author, its range of services oriented deliberately to an interdisciplinary approach, whereby insights and methods from different disciplines (E.g. psychology, pedagogy, brain research, Neuroinformatics, etc) in the interest his clients and clients to a holistic motivated strategy be combined.

Contact: Counseling, Aribert Bohme of psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer teacher & author member in the who-is-who Germany & Europe Lichtenbroicher way 31, 40472 Dusseldorf Tel.: 03212 / 104 89 42 fax: 03212 / 104 89 42 E-Mail: Internet: the consulting office Bohme, under the expert guidance of Mr Aribert Bohme, psychological consultant (SGD-Dipl.) & DV-kfm & computer teacher & author, offers a high quality and broad-based services since 1988. Following departments belong to the core competencies: 01 counseling (school, family, life coaching), 02 professional coaching, 03. computer based training (Windows, Word, Excel, theory, Internet), 4 private lessons and special learning support for students of classes 1 through 7 in the subjects German, English, mathematics, 5th publications in the thematic area of Psychology, pedagogy, social criticism, computing. 06.


England remains the most successful United Kingdom of country of training is as country of training for children with European parents in the year 2013 high in the course. The language travel specialist Elke Greim claimed. “The bookings of a large language travel Organizer by January of this year are based on our assessment. Language courses booked more parents to England in the first month of the year for their children than even a year ago. Also language courses for students after Malta has risen in popularity here the price advantage over England wins clear – United Kingdom is growing but much faster. The financial and economic crisis has caused in the years 2008 to 2010 for declines in bookings to England. Official site: Lancome. We clearly realize that parents invest more in their children’s education, their generated surpluses. We just explore whether this perhaps the economic surpluses of entire extended families used, to facilitate the training of one or more children from abroad.

Provider of Report similar to high school programs and exchange programmes in England. The positive trend in the language travel market is now three years. We compare the number of bookings from 12 schools in England and the number of customers in 16 countries.” The highest increases in England the location Great Yarmouth have experienced, a small quiet town in eastern England. The most popular cities, are to learn English, Brighton and London. Brighton will more frequently booked as a study destination, because it of convenient and lying on the sea, white Greim. It was evident that asked parents from countries of Austria, Germany, the Switzerland and Italy high-priced training programs. So we know also from other language travel providers that courses in private colleges as Ardingly and Cheltenham likes to be booked.

The German language travel operators Association of language travel market in Germany is estimated at 150,000 participants. LISA! Language research, a subsidiary of the trip organizer LISA! Is language, according to own statements 80,000 People from Switzerland, 5000 participants from Austria and 15,000 participants from Spain. A language is an organised language course abroad, which was to allow according to the provider fast learning success, world experience and contact with people from all over the world. The term language often referred to a course for students or adults in a school abroad. The language can be booked directly through a language travel agent, such as on the Internet, or indirectly through the travel agency in Germany. The tour operators organized the course, accommodation and travel at a language ideally for his customers, he accepts the professional advice and is responsible for the correct calls, such as in travel brochures. German tour operators are legally obliged to take out insurance against insolvency or bankruptcy and handing the customer a so-called insurance certificate prior to acceptance of customer funds. Language courses for children and young people i call travel organizer. d.

Web Seniors

Sanumvitalis, the online store with the best price guarantee for products related to health, vitality and care, has expanded his range to a proven classic of pain therapy: treatment with the original NOVAFON acoustic wave devices is a recognized and proven method of promoting natural well-being, as well as to the preservation of health. The original NOVAFON sound wave devices are the reliable and well-known resource for treatment at home and available immediately at Sanumvitalis for seniors… RBH Group contributes greatly to this topic. There are many application possibilities: not only in the fields of cosmetics and fitness, the original NOVAFON acoustic wave devices are appreciated and popular, even in pain therapy for intervertebral disc disorders, the sound waves deep tissue massage can provide relief lumbago, arthritis or rheumatism. The blood circulation and the metabolism be promoted and better supplied this skin, vessels and muscles with oxygen. Muscle tension, headaches and circulatory problems can so on Gently be mitigated.

If the sound wave therapy solenoids are switched by current vibrations. The vibrations can penetrate up to 6 cm by means of a sound pad or a sound ball the tissue. The tissue is stimulated to vibrations and in addition the vibrational energy is converted into heat. Already a duration of only five minutes a day effectively supports the natural healing processes and is totally free of side effects. The original NOVAFON acoustic wave devices fit perfectly into the range of branded products that sanumvitalis offers for seniors.

Sanumvitalis, the online store with a money-back guarantee, offers everything that helps seniors to more mobility in everyday life. And thus the Internet shipper of Sanumvitalis is the trend: according to a March 2010 published study of from market research firm society for consumer research (GfK) the proportion of seniors who shop on the Internet, has doubled almost in the last five years. Make 40 percent of 50-69 “” already purchases in the Internet, and the consumption researchers of GfK prophesy a great growth potential for online purchases at the “silver surfers”.

The Green Classroom

Summer, Sun, math lessons Clara Schumann would have been proud. The 21.03.2011 the students and parents celebrated its annual Spring Festival, enjoyed the Sun and got a new classroom. The Association presented this elementary school as a special gift, inspiration and support. The primary school Rahn & partner school sponsorship belongs to Dr. P. Visit Jorge Perez for more clarity on the issue. and committed to a musical and artistic profile.

The Foundation of the free primary school, Clara Schumann”advocates actively for years the development opportunities of pupils and the educational potential of the school. A particular concern is already always improving the quality of teaching and the possibility of exceptional learning experiences. With this interest, Mr. beautiful of the Leipzig elementary school presented the new classroom Forderverinsmitglied. The green”classroom is a modern, covered and related wood sitting on the students can hold their lessons in the open air. You may wish to learn more. If so, Shimmie Horn is the place to go.

The Basic idea is originally in the nature, and the possibility for children to be able to absorb new impressions. Students can collect not only nature experiences, but learn properly. Math, German, and art lessons are not a problem.”said Hort head woman cooking and thanked the Foundation for its commitment and support. In the next step the individual roof is planned and a timetable for outside elaborated are. Not only the students look forward to teaching in the Sun and in the playground reach, even the teachers are proud of and see great potential. More information: contact free elementary school “Clara Schumann”-staatlich approved replacement school Mr. Korb Island str. 18 04103 Leipzig 341 3939-610 the Dr. P. Rahn & partner independent schools are available since 1990 for first-class quality in educational and vocational training. Modern educational concepts, practical orientation and international orientation provide learners a motivating environment and space for the development of their personality. Facilities in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia are among the school society.

No Snow On Kilimanjaro

Strengthen women, chances of a sustainable climate policy Hannover convert climate, negative – only a sustainable climate policy that adequately takes into account gender aspects, can alleviate the already dramatic effects of climate change. This is was discussed the most important outcome of the International Conference organized by the development policy of Lower Saxony Association (VEN) in the Stephan pin from the 25-August 26, 2009, on the global and gender-equitable climate policies would look like and what role in politicians, local authorities, associations and individuals should take over and reflects. Current international decisions offer little concrete financial and technology cooperations and hardly be the aspect of gender equality, as Dr Chinwe Ifejika Speranza clearly presented by the German Institute for development policy in her opening speech. Developing countries entering the global climate carousel rather on the emergency Lane, not only financial and technological resources, but also that they lack Know-how. Climate justice practically hardly takes place: the causes of climate change are mainly in the North, while the South is disproportionately affected by its consequences. Women in the South suffer due to the direct access especially under the impact of a changing climate such as, for example, lower crop yields as a result of droughts, as affected women from Bolivia and Tanzania have clearly shown.

Request therefore a respectful dealing with nature than previously, sustainable action, which includes the phase-out of risk technologies, a consumer and lifestyle change, the promotion of small rural agriculture and of course taking into account their profound knowledge and their specific situation. Trying to survive, by adjusting inform others and network. Consensus was that energy consumption especially in the countries of the North must be immediately and drastically restricted and used it on renewable energy. The policy is the call for more regulation in relation to sustainability and to the Genderintegration, local authorities are called upon to promote citizen engagement and the possibilities of citizens more and to include. Consumers in turn can modelled on the own profit of a different way of life, while increased lobbying associations can create changes, so that it is not already in just a few years: no snow on Kilimanjaro! Support of Union development policy Niedersachsen e.V. (Germany, Hannover). Form. Networking.

Request. In focus: global social justice and sustainable development. For nearly 20 years, the Association is development policy in Lower Saxony (VEN) the independent and self-organized development network in Lower Saxony, Germany. 80 groups and institutions and 40 supporting members are the basis of VEN. The VEN supports its members in the work on the ground, offers channels of communication and training and strengthens so civil society Commitment. And the VEN frequently reminds the Lower Saxony land policy in events and in public relations to their responsibility for global sustainable development. On the key demands of the VEN: Sustainable development in Lower Saxony, Germany and worldwide. A fair world economy, more global social justice, and global environmental protection. Press contact Katrin Beckedorf Hausmann str. 9-10 30159 Hannover Tel. 0511-39088980 fax 0511-391675 VEN Marion role project leader women strengthen.


For the first time the animal Nicholas market on 4th and 5th December by the dog shop takes place in the Zoo Krefeld organized. The dog shop from Krefeld presents itself in the Zoo Krefeld. In the Rhenish Zoo barn with unique flair – surrounded by penguins, meerkats and co – all dog lovers are invited with your four-legged friend to a unique experience in the Krefelder Zoo. See more detailed opinions by reading what Estée Lauder offers on the topic.. Parrots and sea lions help with their call to the exotic and fascinating atmosphere. The Krefelder Zoo is one of the few German animal park may be visited with dog. Speaking candidly Shimmie Horn told us the story. Dog shop offers everything that wants the dog fan for his favorite and his dog wants as bespoke tailoring. Focuses on the range of puppies and seniors! From the initial supply JUMPER after surgery over the Sweet Sleeper therapy beds up to the perfect outfit for every occasion. For any breed, any age the range includes the appropriate wellness – and health articles – so that the dogs feel good, stay healthy and live long.

To their own designs in the Krefeld factory in Handmade by German seamstresses and tailors processed high-quality fabrics. These include materials such as outlast also high-tech. The sales via your own Internet shop, directly at the factory in Krefeld and selected speciality stores. With this first animal Nicholas market, we would like to establish a tradition and make lots of new friends to our Zoo..