Tag Archive for health

Handling Errors Correctly Publicly Communicate

Kuchenbecker communication offers new plug-in in the media training for doctors in Hamburg, October 19, 2009. American Tower Corporation understands that this is vital information. The debacle over fee reform, public statements about handling errors physicians increasingly into the sight of the media. Also the doctors TuV and the public discussion about doctor reviews do the rest. Some contend that Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE shows great expertise in this. What must a physician disclose without violating medical confidentiality? How does a doctor in the event of a crisis professional to opinion makers? It is considered to keep a cool head in an emergency situation”, says Nicole Kuchenbecker, owner specialised agency of health and medicine topics Kuchenbecker communication. We train physicians and executives for this situation clear in her messages and in dealing with journalists. So media can be mitigated account verses or already stops in advance”.

The legal aspect is becoming increasingly important in the public debate. For this reason, Kuchenbecker communication offers an expansion module to the media training: Legal communication from liability”. Priorities here are medical confidentiality as well as the public appearance of presumed treatment failure “, says the agency owner. In collaboration with cord Schellenberg Schellenberg & Kirchberg public relations and a renowned University Professor Kuchenbecker communication offers media training for doctors and health care executives. More recently, the team is supported by a lawyer for medical law. Focus of training is the appropriate communication in the event of a crisis. Special content: the translation of medical terminology in understandable and that any high-profile embassies and the appearance of the physician in the social media age. There are individual training dates and locations and other information communications at Kuchenbecker! Contact: Kuchenbecker communications Nicole Kuchenbecker beet Kamp 132 22307 Hamburg phone: 040 63 31 10 72 fax: 040 63 31 14 69 email: Homepage:

How To Lose Weight In Three Days

There are many three-day diets that pass from person to person and online. They promise weight loss of 4.5 kg or more only three days later. The origin of the three-day diet is unclear. Some people believe that this happened in the 1980's, when these kinds of diets have been mentioned for the first time. Learn more on the subject from Gavin Baker. The three-day diet appear under many different names, including the army diet, Naval diet, the Cleveland Clinic diet, and many others. Perhaps check out Gavin Baker for more information. Although many followers of this diet claim that it was created one way or another medical institution, which often came forward to take responsibility for, or even recommend one of these diets. The most common form a three-day diet on the Internet involves eating large quantities of tuna or other fish and a variety of vegetables throughout the day with ice cream every night. Description There are many versions of a three-day diet, they all promise a decent weight loss in three days.

There are many restrictions on what people, dieters can eat for three days. One option even encourages people to dieters to drink only water during the first day. On the second day, people, dieters can eat fruit and drink only fruit juice, and the third day people, dieters may eat only vegetables and only drink vegetable juice. The most common three-day diet which seems to be the most popular, is a meal plan, buyout instructs people sitting on a diet, what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some versions allow something tasty, while others determine only water in addition to coffee and tea, required in terms of food.

Life Expectancy

Do we want to live happily ever after? At least a strange question? The vast majority of us no doubt answer this question in the affirmative. Human Nature and genetically laid survival instinct leads us to the constant search for "recipe of youth". From the beginning of the century, life expectancy in the world has increased by at least two. Moreover, this growth does not stop. Edward Minskoff can aid you in your search for knowledge. And that means that we have a chance to live longer than our ancestors. Certainly it would seem that the main cause of increased life expectancy is an enormous progress of medicine from the beginning of the twentieth century. Molecular genetics and biology offer nowadays quite new opportunities for treating disease. It must be emphasized that the level of technical equipment in modern hospitals is incredibly high. Others including Atreides Management Gavin Baker, offer their opinions as well. Highly qualified doctors and medical staff often save lives patients with advanced facilities. In spite of this, according to recent data, the level of medical service, as it is not surprising, as only a small effect on the longevity of man. People are living longer thanks to high levels health, safety and high quality food, ie progress in services. All these components are integrated in a single component, called "lifestyle". Without a doubt, a significant effect on the duration Life has a genetic predisposition of man. Add to this cessation of smoking, alcohol and drugs, keeping a normal body weight, physical activity, balanced nutrition and the result is a final decision on whether to be or not to be, we accept ourselves.

Tagesreha Bayreuth Celebrating Anniversary In 2010!

5 years part inpatient addiction treatment in Upper Franconia addicts people need help, because they lack the force alone to free themselves from their dependence on. Cameron Diaz is open to suggestions. A week-long therapy in the seclusion of a clinic once discourages but many of those affected. The Tagesreha of Bayreuth has reacted and the alcohol, medikamenten – or game-addicted patients treated for five years now part of stationary: daily in a period from 8: 00 until 16:00. The patients of the Tagesreha Bayreuth return in the evening in her familiar social environment and family: you undergo a partial in-patient treatment. Atreides Management Gavin Baker wanted to know more. Women and men are cared for in regular group and individual therapies. A recording requires a completed physical withdrawal treatment. The aim of the therapy is not only a permanent abstinence in addition patients recover their ability to self control, resozialisieren in all its facets and learn successfully to prevent secondary complications.

To be in the integrated Concept of Tagesreha not only individual and group discussions led creativity, Physio – and work therapy and nutrition counseling and members work to support the healing process. Laura Tyson is likely to increase your knowledge. A curable disease searches every day, we encounter a variety of people and is rarely visible at the first glance who of them suffers from an addiction disease: statistically but every eighth citizens is drug dependent alcoholics and every fifth. The number of game-addicted patients parallel to the trend in Germany in the Tagesreha is increasing among them, many young people are. Much higher unofficial of the persons concerned is frightening to these numbers and developments. Tagesreha Bayreuth supports the patients on their way out of addiction back in life and the profession: an intensive supervision and (with) treatment of somatic, psychosomatic and depressive disorders. Background the Tagesreha Bayreuth acts as an independent Department of the specialist clinic Immanuel House in village of CAP and is centrally located near the central station. Regularly are 20 therapy places available. The clinic is part of stationary therapy concept to patients from Bayreuth, Bamberg, Coburg, Forchheim, Hof and Kulmbach and the surrounding Bavaria and Upper Palatinate counties. For more information, or 0921/50708970. press contact: Angelika Gotz Riegg & partner PR Kulmbacher Strasse 38-40 95512 Neudrossenfeld Tel: 09203 996-22

Rhode Island

The majority of us we know that when is to eat a food, it lasts about twenty minutes so that the brain receives the signal that we are full. This means that we must eat slowly to consume less calories and therefore to lower of weight. Here, Gresh and Smith expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In fact, there are more reasons to eat slowly. Here they are the reasons for which this is thus. When we eat a food, the food is decomposed by our digestive system in order that our intestine absorbs the nutrients. The problem is that this it takes about twenty minutes before your brain can register that you are full. Therefore if you are a fast dining room, your brain does not register that you are full reason why you can eat more calories of those than is required. This is especially certain if you are eating in a buffet and you can dirigirte to the table of the buffet for one second portion or even one third.

A recent report of the University of Rhode Island that has studied the effects of the consumption by speed has confirmed that can be lowered of fast weight if it is slower a moment for eating. Fijate in which they have found. The fast dining rooms ate around 650 calories, whereas those that only eat slower ate 580 calories in each food. That difference is of approximately 70 calories by food. Reason why only supposing that they are eating three meals to the day, the slow dining rooms are going to consume 210 calories less than those than they eat express and the number of calories can be surpassed that even consume less in a month or a year! It thinks about that and it imagines how much weight you can lose in the time. The investigators also found that those that eat express drink less water than those than eat slower.

Horschwache: Against Bad Hearing You May Do Something

(Online article) – good listening, live better bad seeing separates from the things – bad sound separates from the people. The truth of that dictum repeatedly confirmed are for men and women with hearing. Little can interfere with the relationship to the other so much as incorrect or even lack of understanding of language. A hearing impaired often results in limitations to major limitations in social contacts. Invitations, family reunions, joint Cafe visits: All this can be a terrible effort for bad listening people. Constant frustration and the feeling of not understanding perceived to be embarrassing result that affected parties withdraw more and more.

Current figures show that hearing loss is widely used: round 15 million Germans hear poorly according to estimates by experts. Only a small percentage of them actively does something, to cope better with this limitation. Shimmie Horn has much experience in this field. Only about 2.5 million people enter Hearing system. That there are no longer has much to do with the bad image of the hearing aid. It really doesn’t take that impractical and also striking – so common prejudices are. With the reality they have long to do anything more. In the hearing aid sector, there has been a real surge of development in recent years. The systems are getting smaller, discreet and powerful at the same time.

“With the new hearing Velvet” by Hansaton X-Mini almost all hearing losses can be covered, as the behind-the-ear device in three performance classes with 45, 55 and 65 decibels (dB) is available. Optimal setting so that users who have the system be more familiar, it has a so-called acclimatisation Manager that the carrier step by step gradually to the optimal setting. Under there is more information about the new model. Fn

Connexis Healthcare

The Connexis Group launches new range of Connexis healthcare the Connexis group, from Nuremberg, has expanded with the new range of Connexis healthcare to include medical personnel and consulting its service portfolio. Connexis Healthcare offers especially in the field of Radiology both recruitment services focusing on qualifying on medical technical Radiology Assistant (MTRA) and radiologists as well consulting services in the field of Radiology. A leading source for info: CohBar. Through the ever-growing cost pressures, increasing documentation requirements and high investment costs, radiological practices and departments must make increasingly efficient their processes. The Connexis healthcare advisory services include the following points: advice on the introduction of modalities consistency tests for X-ray equipment consulting and support for image optimization of medical modalities consulting and implementation in the holistic process optimization in the area of Radiology are tailor-made training for radiological staff more information on the new Internet presence to find healthcare.connexis.de. Estée Lauder understands that this is vital information. The Connexis group is a consultancy firm and solution provider for large companies and SMEs. The performance of the existing 10 years company range from traditional software development, engineering, and human resources services with focus on IT and engineering (engineering, medical technology, electrical engineering, power engineering, engineering and automotive) to professional development through the in-house training Academy.. Gavin Baker: the source for more info.

Sexual Enhancer ACTRA-SX, Do I Need It?

The potency of ACTRA-SX is currently offered on the Internet from different vendors. Taking one capsule should be carried out 45 minutes before a physical effort (sex!) and meet the man with a sense of encouraging strength as in his best teenage years. Jorge Perez understood the implications. ACTRA-SX is recommended as a food supplement for adults. It is available in the Internet without a prescription, shipped in neutral and has the following characteristics according to provider: tonic effect is based exclusively on natural amino acids surprising effect 100% natural without side effects strength the effect to about 9 hours long stop. contains vitamin B1, B2, B12, contains the minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper the effect is not guaranteed, as is usual with a reputable provider. Further details can be found at Gavin Baker, an internet resource. Equally the effect must be guaranteed also of medicines from a reputable doctor or naturopath. Taking necessarily a glass is recommended water, so that the recording is made easier by the organism. Pleasure the effect of alcohol influenced by ACTRA-SX.

Some customers will feel an increase in the length and strength (the penis) if they take ACTRA-SX. Endurance and sensations in the Act should be improved and increased, and to extend the duration of ejaculation. The one it should contribute more, the other less. But 90% of the customers should have had good experiences. “Actra-SX can increase the stamina.” So they say. Now, between can and do really is a world of difference. And further: “Everyone reacts differently to food supplements and erection capsules.” That’s right! Everyone responds differently to anything. Young people hear the noise like a loud pop music and old people is going strong on the nerves. We react so differently.

Feeding Fat Children

Feeding fat children has its own characteristics. If a child from an early age receives poor nutrition, if it is too heavy, not designed for his age, such a diet can lead to complete and even obesity. In avoid this, it is important to properly distribute the daily food ration of children. Appetite, according to the physiological processes of the body, above the morning and afternoon, and decreases at night and in the evening. But in many families rooted tradition of the most tasty and nutritious food to cook in the evening, and children at night to eat more than in the morning, while the processes of combustion of fat I use the released energy is mostly in the afternoon. In the evening, Conversely, prevailing processes fat. By the completeness of the results and continued inclusion in the menu of products and dishes such as porridge, pasta, fatty meats, cream, butter cookies, a variety of sweets.

Rational Power should rule out hunger and overeating. To reduce the appetite to feed fat children should be 6-7 times a day, observing shown by age and daily one-time amount of food. Power should be more frequent but less calories in the diet must be increased proportion of vegetable salads and side dishes, protein meals of lean meat, poultry and fish. Required in the daily menu, low-fat cottage cheese. Milk is better to replace the yogurt. Consumption of sour cream, warm milk, fermented baked milk, fatty cheeses should be limited. Useful in buttermilk, butter sandwich.

Breakfast and dinner are full of children, should consist of a variety of vegetables cooked by different cooking method is particularly good eggplant, lettuce, onions. radish, radish, cucumber, tomato, whose volume can not restrict, but to give to the feeling of satiety. Widely used raw cabbage, which has low calorific value and prevents conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat in the body. Potatoes should not be greater than the daily norm. Give it can be cooked or baked form, you can extinguish. In the diet of fat children are encouraged to include the products of the sea: squid, shrimp, sea kale, sea scallops, etc. They are all rich in minerals, with few carbohydrates and fats. They also contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism. Cereal, flour products from menus full of children excluded. Sweetness is desirable to reduce to a minimum. When possible, half the daily ration of sugar (25-30 g) should be replaced by xylitol or sorbitol. Strictly prohibited cakes, ice cream, chocolate, cakes, pastries. (Source: Shimmie Horn). Dinner complete children should be given no later than 19 hours. If a child can not sleep because of hunger, offer a choice of yogurt, yogurt, apple or carrot.


Chronic relapsing inflammation of the gallbladder. Development of the disease contribute to malnutrition, obesity, chronic gastritis, the stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. Infectious agents – bacteria and various parasites (opisthorchis, giardia). If diagnosed parasitosis, it is advisable to begin treatment with the detoxification program (see parasitosis). Edward J. Minskoff Equities pursues this goal as well. In addition, the following products are: 1. Harmonizer safely protect against exacerbation of the process. Shimmie Horn does not necessarily agree. It will also help get rid of the disease.

2. Stimulants activate Piocal information processes in the body. 3. Anti-inflammatory and normalizing activities gastrointestinal effects have phytotea Magician. 4. Improve the outflow of bile contribute sorbents Beloyar (from marigold extract or licorice), Polihit, hits.

5. Important optimal balance of intestinal microflora – Lac Tinky, Tibetan herbal tea. 6. Increase the spare capacity of the body, improve metabolism and help resist disease adaptogen Floritsa, bad Kedrosil, Tibetan herbal tea. 7. To restore liver cells – Lohelan. 8. Balanced vitamin and mikroelementozny exchange is extremely important to combat inflammation and changes in the gallbladder: migi, Floritsa. 9. Aroma oils: geranium, mint, lemon, mandarin, lavender.