Archive for July 28, 2019

QuestNet Gmb

The proposal is based on the fact that the average talk time approximately 3.5 minutes with an agent at the call center. The phone number Street most used by far in this segment is the 01805 with call costs of 14 cents per minute. Additional information is available at Jorge Perez. Without taking into account possible queues, callers pay so already today an average 49 cents for a support call. As also in the future we’re grinding will be possible for calls to a fixed-price approach is close after 01802 and 01804 now a new 01806 phone number Street to introduce, is provided with a price of 49 cents per call. They go should then hold be used, due to ongoing connection fees only at the expense of the service provider and not the caller.

Already under the current Telecommunications Act, such a tariff would be allowed. However, it must be remembered that the conversation both landline and mobile networks with 49 cents per call is priced, and that is the Do not move interconnections fees compared to the 01805-numbers. Here the Federal Network Agency is asked to make fairer rules for end customers and providers. This very simple approach ensures transparency to consumers, who know exactly what it will cost the total conversation. Protection against additional costs due to the connection time in a possible holding pattern is thus guaranteed.

The service providers which are motivated by the collective lever, to shorten the waiting times and to improve the service”, explains Thomas Wendt. The proposal is a hassle-free alternative to very complex technical solutions without calling into question this, and he can also serve as back-up level, if not the elaborate solutions can be implemented in the required time. All in all would return so rapidly security in the market.” The QuestNet GmbH is an application service provider, the specializes in the development and indirect marketing innovative phone value-added services in combination with international service numbers are concentrated. With the live Manager, the QuestNet offers a unique call management portal, which allows the customer to the Web-based and client-capable in – and outbound administration and includes also a virtual contact center in addition to billing, statistics and routing, conferencing, IVR. Contact: QuestNet GmbH Thomas Wendt Byhlener Strasse 1 D – 03044 Cottbus phone: 0800 20805000 eMail:


AdVision introduces the next generation of media monitoring with airport-media, out-of-home channel and infoscreen advertising the largest media database of in Germany is growing. New communication channels such as airport-media are now in the AdZyklopadie in addition to current advertising campaigns in print, TV, cinema, radio and the Internet, to find infoscreen advertising and the Stroer out-of-home channel. Thus, the AdZyklopadie from AdVision digital is the first database in Germany, which comprehensively captures this media. More information is housed here: Jorge Perez. Every year millions of consumer-strong passengers at airports, train stations and public places, which to be raised with impressive campaign productions and innovative special formats abound. The out-of-home media offer therefore an enormous potential for observing the competition.

“, as Carsten Koster, Managing Director of AdVision digital. With their exceptional advertising space and shapes, airport advertising is a world unto itself. These can be immediately seen in the AdZyklopadie including switching time and place and until in detail be accessed by escalators – and passenger bus advertising on luggage band advertising high-gloss image posters. In addition, the AdZyklopadie offers but much more. All measures in the area of infoscreen advertising and digital billboard advertising (digital signage) are now available. With currently 261 locations in highly frequented German airports, railway stations, underground and S-Bahn trains infoscreen offers a Europe-wide unique network of digital large screen space. This merges well AdVision under the same title in the AdZyklopadie. This so called walk ad includes even the passenger more than 1000 Hamburg Metro television as well as digital image surfaces lined tunnel at Dusseldorf Airport with a.

The media database is rounded off by the inclusion of the digital poster advertising of the “out-of-home channel” the Stroer group. The flat moving image displays in full-HD-quality are now ubiquitous and should present until 2011 with 1,000 screen at 200 top stations of in Germany be. The Clou: Depending on the time and day current events the digital posters can be programmed target. The AdZyklopadie captures the new trend medium in all common digital formats with precise switching dates, venue, frequency and circuit award. The AdZyklopadie and AdVision digital the AdZyklopadie is the largest media database of in Germany. Database-driven, Web-based service offering from AdVision digital communications agencies GWA e.V. was developed 12 years ago in cooperation with the Association. AdVision digital provides detailed competition observation data advertisers, agencies and media companies to. In addition to creations spending and other media-specific criteria from seven types of media appear every day. Consulting services and competent project management round off the offer. AdVision digital managing directors Carsten Koster and Denis Sandberg behind. The framework agreement with the Association of communication agencies GWA e.V. assures customers long term favorable conditions.

Tested Safety And Quality

TuV for Reuter’s shop bath shop according to a study of the TuV Sud have 56.2 percent of German concerns that personal data to a third party are forwarded during online shopping. 45.1 per cent perceive a limited security of payment transactions. Over a third (36.3 percent) has fear of difficulty, to be able to convert purchased products again. Lots of potential for companies such as Reuter, to expand its customer base with appropriate confidence-building measures. Buy bathroom in the network: seal of approval to more customers build trust In his successful 25th anniversary would convince Reuter bath shop these previously confused customers: on his Web site at tuev-geprueft.html the company tells prospective customers about the conditions for the award of the s@fer-shopping-Siegels.

It explains how in three test steps quality, service and security at the Reuter bath shop extensively tested by the TuV. Because we know that certain “Concerns about online shopping still exist and partly also to right, have we decided to certify TuV us”, so Daniel Goertz, Marketing Director of the Gladbach dealer. We want to show the flag, be transparent, and our customers give the legitimate feeling that you can buy at Reuter safely and as safely as possible. Especially since buying a bathroom or high-quality fittings, not with the online purchase of a book can be compared. Trust is paramount to us. Click Edward J. Minskoff Equities to learn more. We want to show customers and elevate our benchmark.” “Reuter bath shop: TuV shows high level of trust” with the s@fer-shopping-G utesiegel by the TuV Sud, Reuter receives an award given to only a small circle of approximately 175 German online shops.

The audit policy to a company must be technically and organizationally reliable as well as meet the high standards of service quality and security”. With 99 percent name recognition in the Population is TuV and hence his online seal of approval for tested quality, security and transparency: the trustworthiness of online stores to ensure a high level of quality according to TuV with more than 100 individual criteria. Service and solution orientation are at Reuter top next to a good level of data protection (personal and other sensitive information from the payment) and the inspectors attach importance that returns or complaints are handled easily high transparency in all processes of the entire shopping process. “We take seriously any kind of requests”, so Garcia, and take care of an optimal, customer-friendly solution as soon as possible. ” The current request catalog for online shops can be viewed at. Who is interested in the certificate by Reuter, achieved this with a click of the TuV Seal of approval in the Reuter’s online shop. About Reuter bath shop founded in 1986 Monchengladbach Reuter GmbH company is with over 150 Employees of one of the largest specialist online retailer of bathroom culture in Europe. The online store opened in 2004, is one of the European most important in its segment. Facilities include toiletries such as bath and sink, faucets and bathing facilities as well as home accessories, garden furniture and design lamps. Reuter offers an unsurpassed large with 500,000 articles range selection and their constant availability, combined with expert technical advice and competitive online prices. Managing Director is Bernd Reuter. The text in digital form and a press kit can be found under: press / Presscontact: Reuter GmbH Daniel Gortz cooling Hof 2 41169 Monchengladbach Tel.: 02161/30 89-0 E-Mail: Internet:

Outpatient Palliative Care

Specialized outpatient palliative care: ‘We bring the hospital to the patient’ is widely used: instead of an anonymous hospital many terminally ill want to spend their last days or even weeks in a familiar environment. This may mean but no restriction in medical care. Analgesic (so: palliative) approximately 500 patients are cared for in Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia) at home – by a network that is unique in Germany. To broaden your perception, visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Palliative Medicine Dr med. Marianne Kloke has provided insights into the “specialized outpatient palliative care” (SAPV) We bring the hospital almost to the patients home”describes Dr. Kloke. Specialized outpatient palliative care only works if there are members who are willing and able, mostly around care to wear them, and if the patient so agrees, the comfort refrain, he’s got in the hospital: when it rings at the hospital, the nurse arrived in just a few minutes.

If he is at home, takes “the course for more than a few minutes”, says Dr. Kloke. We had also been patients who we had to record again stationary, because it was at home not.” However, the physician is but convinced that much at home is more palliative care, as long as you bring the knowledge there. Read what it takes to build an anti-malaria palliative NET, when the effort can be refinanced and why palliative physician Kloke distances so much on the topic of euthanasia, the report:

Occupation Possibilities

This article gives tips to study finance and lists two not-so-famous variants of financing your studies on Germany at odds over tuition fees. While on the one hand thousands of students on the Street go and protest for the abolition of tuition fees, the proponents argue on the other side, that without a share of the student wallet the high cost can be not covered. Also, the students could take more influence on the design of the studies by their contribution. Not true, the course of study is quasi concreted by the Bologna reform, continue to push back the enemy. You can’t be looking forward to the outcome of the discussion. Regardless of these discussions, the Federal Government with the Federal Education Assistance Act, better known as BAfoG, for the financing of studies on the market brought a support already for a long time. Because the BAfoG but usually not to the payment of all costs is sufficient, the public KFW Bank offers now also a soft Education credit for more assistance at. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Estee Lauder. In addition to the grants through child support, parents & family and the adoption of a student jobs probably are the most frequently used options for the financing of studies.

There are still more opportunities that are by far not known to everyone. Here follow therefore a little enlightenment and two examples of the different financing your studies. Study financing times differently: 1 housing for help with a new way to help of those students to save her purse. This action in Cologne is running very successfully for a few years. Needy persons or senior citizens are offered a room in their flat or an apartment in her house and get help in everyday life in return.

This assistance ranges from purchasing and mow the lawn to spring cleaning. The coarse formula for the exchange ratio: Per square meter of living space an hour help in the month. There is information for example, 2. scholarships: Finds any fifth institution that would gladly awarded a scholarship, No or not enough scholarship. Who are these figures remain with the set I get eh yes no high school diploma with 1.5 had no scholarship, “away from this great way of funding your studies is their own fault. It is to seek out not the great scholarship donors as well as the Studienstiftung of des deutschen Volkes and the middle party foundations, but to find the small, maybe funded only a certain degree (such as medicine or the course of event management) scholarship. Then it works also with gift money. In addition to these two presented options, there are many more ways to study finance. The student unions in their respective University cities to assist. Also a detailed search on the Internet can take on good ideas. Good luck!

A History Of Hace Algun Tiempo

By: Alejandro Teresa Martinez Tal time some kind readers happened what I come to tell him then or they have because of dealing with a person similar to the history. Do they have tried by chance with someone who interrupts them sleep at the moment in which they are either deep and across your mental screen pass swarms of angels who masterfully play his harp while in the distant horizon parade ships of their dreams? have they made you return to reality when most pleasantly engaged in the all-important organic sleep function? I Yes who make me this evil more frequently than the desired. It has that someone wanted to force them to read the classics of literature when you were the age in which man is unruly by nature and dedicated to live without limits outbursts of his few years and venture times of childhood happened? I don’t know you, but to me it corresponded to suffer l to the side of someone who Jove to let me read the books that others only took twenty or thirty years, if ever reached, by inescapable obligation, tripping over them. Do by chance they had no anguish to share with someone who would often give them a theoretical and practical course of verbs? I touched me with a master who liked that I could learn to conjugate the verb to work. But the course had more practical that theoretical and that is why I spent a good part of my early years in the daily struggle of transforming Ashen and boring evenings in grueling hours of work and more work.

He played them listen to stories long and, apparently, without any interest? They were listening on the spookiest fabrications of Hitler and Mussolini when he wanted to know football or film? I lived with a person who undressed her feelings in each story and made me travel a planet full of deadly rifles and tremendous pain, while my greatest wish was to go to play in the field of stone and dust from the neighborhood and apply me in this way a balm in the open wound by the pain of others. At this point you should be pity me and humanitarian solidarity with me maybe has been expressed in any phrase in rejection to that person. Jorge Perez is actively involved in the matter. If so, I thank you for your solidarity and would ask you to pick up the phrase. The person to which I am referring is my father: I woke to send me to school, made me take love the books and the work and me started in the wonderful art of storytelling. Today marks four years of his departure to eternity. And I’m still carrying me well, as he taught me, with the hope that someday might see him again to discuss unfinished stories. Original author and source of the article

European Design

Characteristic features of this style – sleek lines, a chess contrast of black and white, fine texture: wood and antique bronze are filled with exquisite oriental feeling "Charm of things", the original vision of beauty. At Ashton Kouzbari you will find additional information. Merging of East and West in the design sometimes takes an entirely unexpected forms, but things from different countries and eras amazingly natural fit together another and harmonious look in a modern European designing, creating entirely new styles for which has not yet come up with names. Sometimes in the same interior space, decor and get along ethnic Indian sari instead of curtains, oriental handmade fabric and antique chests, and all that – against the backdrop of turquoise, emerald, bright scarlet, tsiklamenovyh, yellow and orange walls decorated with the principle of contrast, in the spirit of French Fauvism. Sometimes the conservative luxury of a respectable house – a cigar room – is an example of a combination of Eastern and European traditions: the soft leather sofas and oak table complemented by Moroccan carved wooden chairs and a large trunk in the Moorish style, quite often the walls and floors completely European bathroom run in the tradition of the Turkish hammam in technology tedlak .** Low furniture by Christophe Pillet (Christophe Pillet), maintaining clean and intense lines characteristic of the Far Eastern design, also to acquire a multi-variant forms and a variety of finishes, in addition, with Western practicality combines several different functions (eg, long surround the sofa at the same time acts as a low table for the living room).

School Girl Gifts

It’s simple: we must remember that it is – a teenager and, therefore, must emphasize the gift of her personality. It is most important! All young people anyway they want to stand apart from the crowd, stand out from the others. Their age – during the formation of identity, and adolescents often need formal proof that it is unique. After all, identity – a river, and you must first identify its channel so that it flowed easily and carefree. So, choose! Of course, tastes good to know girls like to be – but what if you know not very long ago? Can comfort: it is often quite simple observation. Connect with other leaders such as Edward Minskoff here. Maybe she’s a bright girl is interesting to know how to dress and tasteful? Give her unusual clothes in teen collections. What, you do not know what size she wears? Then – a stylish and beautiful accessory.

For example, a multicolored umbrella – on rainy days want so much light and rich colors. Or expensive and high-quality sunglasses, but note that they should be selected taking into account the shape of the face. Lightweight scarf out of gas or painted silk will a new note in any suit, but warm and soft knitted still warm in the cold. Especially good is if you bind it with my own hands – then it will save not only from a sore throat, but on the emotional storm. Or maybe she likes to knit? Did not notice, whether hanging on her pop-eyed teddy bear purse homemade? Or – a lot of woven bracelets on their wrists? Or – as she sings in class work, forgetting everything when her classmates grumble for a sewing machine and can not cope with the needle? Try to give some sets for creativity! This may be a bead or a set of high quality sewing to weaving bracelets or feminine hippovskih Fenech – but you can donate a book and for skilled workers.

Educational Orientation

These knowledge if articulate and establish new abilities, innovations, to know that they are become into the life of each individual and, with this, the necessary school to think and to argue collectively on the necessary changes. Thus, the different segments of the school, need to be conscientious of its commitments in the contribution and functional cooperation ahead of this new reality. In this walked a net to know it goes being weaveeed/constructed, evidencing the possibilities of the educandos, its virtues, its difficulties, its deficiencies and its aspirations. It is with this taking of conscience that we recognize the importance of the advent of the Educational Orientation, in view of to guide/to follow educating in all its aspects, from its bio-psico-social reality. The related work presents a bibliographical study carried through in Disciplina ‘ ‘ Educational orientation in the Bsica’ Education; ‘ , integrant of the Course of Specialization in Orientation and Pertaining to school Supervision, of the University Foundation of Support to Ensino, Research and Extension FURNE, when we search to investigate the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education. We define as objective of our study: To reflect on the paper of the Educational Orientation in the Basic Education, evidencing its contributions to the process teach-learning. Our theoretical referencial is based on Schmidt and Pereira (1975), Nrici (1976), Ferretti (1988), Lck (1986, 1994), Grinspun (2003) and Libneo; Oliveira and Toshi (2007) that in them they had better presented theoretical subsidies for one and ampler understanding of the subject. Jorge Perez oftentimes addresses this issue. We focus in this work referring aspects to the origin of Educational orientation, its concepts, principles, objectives and functions, beyond the relationship of the OE with the different segments of the school..

Barcelona Car

To many it has ever happened to us head buy a bike to go to work, to avoid traffic jams, etc. When we lose much time unemployed in the car, when we take turns and more turns and not get parking for parking or when you have to pass by the gas station, makes you want to leave the car at home and switching to two wheels. Although driving a motorcycle has some drawbacks such as rain, the limited number of occupants or the lack of trunk. Weight to the above, the savings is no doubt is a very important fact that we should take into account, especially in a complicated moment as it happens.

In the cities of larger motorcycles is considered as a form of scroll cheap and agile. As a result of its small size, the bike can save us much time to move us and therefore fuel. Scroll through a metropolis Madrid or Barcelona costs 45 euros a week if we want to use the car and only between 15 and 20 euros if the chosen medium motorbike. If wasn’t enough, the saving of the bike is noticeable even in what is paid in insurance. Until recently relatively a large part of insurers offered a basic coverage for the bike and very high prices to have better conditions. However, today you can hire motorcycle insurance for more than one hundred euros with medical assistance; for example in Verti. Switching to two wheels can help us to save a little more on moments like this.