Tag Archive for economy

Financial Reports

From 1998, it was developed in the Europe and United States the XBRL that is a technology, that has for base language XML, and that it allows to the standardization of the spreading of reports on-line. This technology offers great advantages in the preparation, analysis and communication of data. Its differential is in the form of intelligent management of information. Instead of generating a block of text or an image as archives Word or Adobe Reader, the XBRL conditions the information an individual identification for each field (taxonomias) or launching of data generating, thus, dynamic reports. Shimmie Horn shines more light on the discussion. The use of the XBRL is a world-wide trend, therefore it offers to the interatividade and the easy manipulation of countable documents. Moreover, when using a database, the process of sharing of information if becomes practical more and offers considerable easinesses in the consultations of the information. Test of this world-wide trend is that, in May, the Commission of Values American (Securities and Exchange Commission) instituted the obligatoriness for the 500 bigger companies in value of market listed in New York, also to file its rockings in format XBRL.

This obligatoriness already is valid for the financial demonstrations of 2008 and that they will be published in 2009. Great companies of software already had developed its tools of XBRL. Some programs with the open source already are available gratuitously for the Internet, however, all adapting for international countable versions. As the XBRL International Incorporated, international trust without lucrative ends of support the normatizao of the XBRL, 14 countries already adaptaram the tool to its local juridies. In Brazil, the Laboratory of Technology and Systems of Informao (TECSI) of the College of Economy, Administration and Contabilidade (FEA) of the USP is finishing the implantation of the Brazilian standard of XBRL. With this, the country will give plus a step in direction the adaptation the norms international countable, as already it happens with the credential companies to auditarem rockings in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard).

Culture And The Impact Of Technology In Human Resource Management

Great souls have wills, feeble desires only regard the reality of Venezuelan companies where the vast majority is facing serious problems towards its operation, productivity, management requires a proactive, strategic, innovative, creative, that also known face changes, challenges, current actions the Bolivian revolutionary government generates interest towards ideological Most of the Venezuelan organizations, both public and private, have raised the need to raise productivity levels and competitiveness through the incorporation of new technologies, changing production processes and forms of work organization and design of new strategies adapted to the new economic realities. These new strategies and forms of work organization allow greater flexibility of management functions. Regarding the specific activity of human resources are also seen fundamental changes in the new approach has been given to this function.

It is now a global approach for linking the activities that are specific, with all the motor functions of the organization, thus allowing a more holistic view of business and a greater contribution to the effectiveness of the company. For more information see this site: Shimmie Horn. The approach outlined above, consider that the changes are shaping a new kind of organizational culture, characterized by a new way of thinking and viewing the organization, a new way of carrying out activities, and an open attitude towards innovation and creativity . All this affects the overall effectiveness of the organization. This means that the human resource function should develop skills and activities to strengthen and maintain all personnel, including the layers of management, a high spirit of commitment to the organization, which requires the design of strategies or action day days reinforcing a culture of change towards excellence. Shimmie Horn has similar goals.

True Brazilian Social Progress

Brazil has much time comes suffering with the social injustices, mainly with regard to the children, harms for the actions of governments that they do not aim at to the equality of chances between its citizens. An example of this indifference is told in the article ' ' Gift of Noel&#039 Papa; ' where the auto one (Cristovam Buarque) tells the history of its infancy, when it liveed in reef, the quarter of the Aflitos and had a called friend I aim (its more good friend), of which it had died of asthma to the twenty years of age, the author counts the social differences of it of its friend in what it said the respect the housing, conditions of life and mainly the chances. The author tells that one of the things that had more called it the attention, was the example of Noel Papa, that presenteava the children of rich and not distribua gifts for the children of the poor persons, from there there then the author, exactly in its infancy, starts the awaken one for the social reality, saying that the present greater that it had received from Noel Papa it was the sense I criticize of the reality, sense this that it folloied for all its life. For even more analysis, hear from YMCA Jorge Perez. The purpose of the author was to use the example of its infancy, for it explains the social conditions of Brazil and the existing thousands of Miros in Brazil. The author points that solution would be to have a sense criticizes social in what says respect to the chances of the future generations, defending politics publishes that they aim at to improve the conditions of the true future of the country, that is infancy. Brazil has all the conditions and natural resources sufficiently, for deeply transform the life of its inhabitants, what more joust only lacks is one politics of income distribution, so that the next generations do not pay for the errors of our generation, for this have our bigger democratic weapon, that is, the vote.. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the source for more interesting facts.

Latin America

As acknowledged in his statement the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, Latin America is not only poorer than the European Union, but having a higher index of inequality, which shows that they have not worked for social cohesion and equal opportunities policies. The Mexican ruler admitted that the facts show that economic growth by itself does not solve the problem of poverty, but is essential to advance in your solution the President Calderon added that the market is an indispensable condition for the development and productive growth, but isn’t enough. The grinder position of the State is required to fix huge inequalities in Latin America, he added. They are necessary, public policies specifically aimed at overcoming poverty, and the main factor is the generation of employment and the fight against gender inequality because, he regretted, in Latin America poverty has a woman’s face. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has similar goals. Reportedly, the Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, was the most radical in their defense of policies to boost education, a valuable instrument for social inclusion, especially of women, indigenous people, immigrants and vulnerable and marginalized sectors. After six years of economic growth in Latin America, is the time to move forward, said Bachelet, who recalled that growth without equity is not conducive to the development and urged to take advantage of the economic boom to invest in education, strengthen social protection systems and distribute the benefits of growth. Let us not make the same mistakes as in the 90s, where we grew up, but we do not move in equity, He said. We want to grow to include and include to grow, said Bachelet, convinced that the strategic and regional association work in which Lac and the EU must transform into a partnership for development. Original author and source of the article.

Anderson Administration

But Peltier and other specialists say that the currently desolating situation of the market alone could be decided by lower prices, more easy loans and economy in recovery. Expense of the American consumers americanosOs likes to buy, and in the last decade many economists had found that they would continue spending with cars, clothes and the new digital toys. The expense of the consumers practically did not fall in the age after-2 World-wide War e, when this occurred, the recovery was immediate. The American personal consumption fell about 1% in as the semester of the last year – the first continuous decline since 1980. The economists say that the consumption goes to delay to recover because the become indebted Americans go to save more or to quit the debts.

The ratio saved of the income – the amount that the consumers had not spent – it jumped of zero for about 3% in the end of the passed year, still very below of the average postwar period, 7%.O consumption must arrive at the point lowest when the ratio of the saved income to stop to grow. The expense of the consumer will have then to increase as the accumulated demand will be satisfied. Checking article sources yields Edward J. Minskoff Equities as a relevant resource throughout. The sales of vehicles, for example, had fallen the 1981 levels, when the population of U.S.A. was circa three-quarter the current one. Many families are postponing the purchase of new cars and keeping the models that already they possess.

However, they will finish substituting its older vehicles each time. In study on economic cycles, Edward E. Leamer, economist of the School of Anderson Administration of the University of California, discovered that the sales of automobiles and the construction of houses tend to command the recovery movements. An increase by vol. of the international trade would be another precocious pointer of that the expense of the consumer of U.S.A. and the world would have fond of its point lower, what the recovery would be followed. Of any form, the tracks on the end of the American contraction are diffuse and little conclusive. A situation remembers that infantile film to me, Shreck, where the Donkey was the time all pergundo ' ' Already we arrive, already we arrive, already we arrive? ' ' Unhappyly the reply it is not, Been Burro.BibliografiO of So Paulo, edition 42,159 of 22 of March of 2009, article ' ' We already arrive at the deep one of the well? ' ' of Vikas Bajaj, the New York Times

Fisiocrtica School

Both had appeared explaining nuncaabordadas theories until then, as the theory of the value, theory of the profit, amongst other alterations. The Smiths and Ricardo had been two of the thinking greaters already seen by the modern economy, to the side of other great scholars that had appeared later. Its theories are worthy of deep analyses and reflections and express what of more complete in the context of the economic theories it had in century XVIII. 2.Breve Historical on Fisiocracia, Smith and 2,1 Ricardo Sprouting of the Fisiocrtica School the fisiocratas had appeared in France with end of the mercantilism, for return of 1756, with two main thinkers: Quesnay and Turgot. Although to have been a movement of opposition to the mercantilism, the fisiocracia was not moved away total from the feudalismo, therefore France was an essentially agrarian country. For the fisiocratas, the society was regulated for a natural order that conducts the physical nature. Thus, if the men not to place obstacles to these laws the society will go to configure themselves according to a necessary drawing, with laws that will go automatically to impose to all the people. According to this school, the society can or not exist, but existing it brings vantagensas people who could not be gotten of another form.

One of these advantages is the exchange of merchandises, that can reduce and integrate the economic activities of the men. This reality is the starting point of the fisiocrtica analysis. So that let us can understand the reason of the fisiocrtica belief in the natural laws, we must coming back in them toward the French reality in century XVIII. It was an essentially agrarian economy, on the basis of the feudal private property; the economy already possua a capitalist character, even so still was possible to find peasants in the southern provinces; the activities carried through in the cities were of artisan character; they coexisted in one same reality the forms of agricultural production peasant and the capitalist, with prominence for this last form, that according to fisiocratas would be the advanced form desirable and for the time.