The Educator

Second To sound (2000b: 47), this person is illiterate, but she is, of certain form, scholar, or has a certain level of letramento. The same it happens with alfabetizadas children not yet. For the author (they ibidem), a child who lives in a letramento context, that coexists books, that hear histories chores for adults, that sees adults reading and writing, cultivate and exert practical of reading and writing: he takes a book and he dissimulates that he is reading (…), takes paper and pencil and ' ' escreve' ' a letter, a history. Not yet it learned to read and to write, but it is, of certain form, scholar, has already a certain level of letramento. In the same way that it is possible to have a certain level of letramento and not to be alfabetizado, an individual can be alfabetizado but not to have a good level of letramento. It is capable to read and to write, however, does not possess abilities for practical that they involve the reading and the writing: it does not read reviewed, periodicals, prescriptions of doctor, papal briefs of remedy etc., that is, it presents great difficulty to interpret read texts, as well as, can not be capable to write a letter or ticket.

To be alfabetizado is not condition essential to be scholar. She is necessary that the alfabetizao process is significant. To sound (2000b: 47) affirm then, that in this in case that, a person is possible to be alfabetizada, but not scholar. In this point, we divergimos of the author because we believe that a person cannot possess letramento degree zero, in view of whom lives in a grafocntrica society. Ahead of this, which the paper of the professor in the formation of not only alfabetizados, as well as of scholars? How to alfabetizar letrando? If the education is a continuous process, that only finishes with the death it individual, as then to make with that this individual always if interest for the practical ones of reading and writing? How to help to live it in a grafocntrica society? The PAPER OF the EDUCATOR IN the FORMAODE INDIVIDUALS ALFABETIZADOS and LETRADOSNuma society scholar, the objective of education must be to improve the ability and to improve the linguistic performance of the student, in view of the social integration and the mobility of the individuals, beyond placing education in a productive perspective.

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