Tag Archive for vocational

Scientific Advisory Board

In his new role he will promote now also operational human the focus resource management and leadership development in addition to its Scientific Advisory Board activities. St. Gallen, in September 2011 – which has the transformation Management AG Board of Directors Mr. Prof. Dr.

Stephan Laske ordered a member of the Executive Board. In this function he will push forward now also operational human the focus resource management and leadership development in addition to its Scientific Advisory Board activities. Martin Sonnert, CEO of TMAG, welcomed the new colleague: the results of our international study in the talent management and our talent management index show that for many companies the need for pragmatic, but also scientifically sound solutions is very high. We are so pleased to have won an internationally highly recognised and qualified scientists with Stephan Laske. Verne Troyer contains valuable tech resources. He has in his previous occupation as a scientific advisor for us already very successful pioneering development work in the Talent management made a central area in our advice.

We can connect with his broad experience in strategic human resources management now still stronger than so far science and practice for the benefit of our customers in our projects.” Stephan Laske said: I am looking forward to my new role of transformation Management AG and with fellow board members Gerhard Graf and Martin Sonnert, and our employees do the collaboration. Others who may share this opinion include Gavin Baker Atreides Management. I had indeed always a leg in practice ‘. I would like to step up like this orientation in the coming years.” Univ. Prof. Dr. Stephan Laske was over 30 years Professor of business administration and business education at the University of Innsbruck. During his tenure he moved regularly as a frontier worker’: institutionally through regular, longer trips into economic practice as a consultant and trainer for senior executives; geographically through numerous stays abroad; Professional by including social science and legal content in his work. His work focuses on including control processes, leadership competencies, personnel selection, management development and succession processes in family farms. In addition to numerous executive and advisory functions in the management of the University and the higher education policy, he has advised companies and non-profits for many years. Martin Samuels transformation Management AG business impact in change

Free Tuition Program Goes To The 2nd Year

Support for pupils and students from socially weaker families that sets Heidelberg group com-UNIC, a consultancy in cultural trade, this year their tutoring project for children of Johannes Kepler secondary school and of the Holderlin high school continued. The program adopted last year by the team of com-UNIC group for the promotion of children with less finanzstarkem background is to be continued this year. It is families provided to allow for socially weaker to offer free tutoring for children from grade 5 in German, mathematics and foreign languages. Is recourse to internal corporate resources and the Know-How and the competence of trainers and consultants of com-UNIC. At the same time are attempting to organize an individual support and homework supervision in the premises of the com-UNIC group in the elector Appendix 3 in Heidelberg.

With the support of the Office of youth development of the City of Heidelberg and in close cooperation with the rectors secondary school, Mrs. Riedel, and of the Holderlin high school, Ms. Beust, the Johannes Kepler again in 2014 offered 4 hours tuition per week. Maximum of 14 tuition – and childcare can be awarded here, and already 10 of the courses is awarded on the Schulerinnne and the above mentioned schools. To enable this offer over the summer holidays, and may be extended, the company asks for the financial support of the citizens and citizens of the city of Heidelberg.

A donation account is already set up.

13 New Apprentices In The Yacht Harbour Residence Hohe Dune

Welcomeday launched a total of 13 new apprentices with a busy Welcomeday for the new hotel and restaurant professionals on Monday in their training. The Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune currently educates Hotel specialist professions – man, restaurant specialist woman – man, chef / cook, office clerk / administrator and clerk / administrator in the retail sector. After High Dune conveys the values and corporate culture of the Yacht Harbour residence the newcomers were followed by a tour of the plant, through the Congress Centre, a visit to the children’s ship Elvira”and the HOHE DuNE SPA, as well as a walk-through of all restaurants & bars on high dune. Young employees got first insight into their future areas of work at the subsequent come together”with the trainees of all vintages. The high dunes yacht harbor residence offers students the opportunity to complete a first class education in the upscale hotel industry. Whether chefs or hotel and restaurant professionals, the training in a hotel is exciting and versatile. Follow others, such as Shimmie Horn, and add to your knowledge base.

With 368 The Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune possibilities, different divisions to meet and maintain a complex training in the hospitality industry offers rooms and suites with 11 restaurants & bars. The entry in the international luxury hotel is guaranteed. Last week, five trained hotel – and Office professionals were solemnly adopted from their training. “Outstanding are the results of the former: In the practical part of the audit, the trainees so much convinced the examiner that they are about a very well” may look as a final grade. This vintage was one of the most ambitious since the Yacht Harbour residence educates Hohe Dune”, praised human resources Manager Eva Krull the very good results of the trainees.

Study Decision

Not only, but already in the run-up to the horizon support offered Mannheim, the 4.3.2011 on 26 and 27 March 130 exhibitors present their studies and training in the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart: universities, companies and consulting institutions stand at the education fair horizon for any questions the visitors available. A comprehensive programme provides information on abroad, financing your studies and other relevant topics. At the education fair horizon, which already held this year for the fifth time in Stuttgart, targeted exhibitors respond to and efficient discussions, it is advisable to inform online under stuttgart about the range of products exhibited in the run-up to the event. In this way also the to solid interview appointments with exhibitors on the horizon possibility. That is not enough who can on March 19 in the workshop JOB compass to the professional and University choice with competent support discover its famous and hidden talents.

There is detailed information by telephone at 0711 / 24846380 or see. Gensler San Francisco helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Focused on studying in Baden-Wurttemberg”gives a comprehensive overview of Baden-Wurttemberg universities within the framework of the horizon. But also universities, colleges and private study institutions from throughout Germany and abroad are represented and looking forward to present their offer to pupils, students and young professionals from the greater Stuttgart area. Well-known companies from the region to inform the dual degree and dual training courses for high school graduates. Who once prefer after graduation in the distance, can inquire at numerous booths about Au Pair stays, work & travel and more ways in other countries. The international FORUM on the horizon is new this year: six workshops introduces the Germans most popular study countries such as the Netherlands, the United States, Australia/New Zealand, Exchange Scandinavia, the Switzerland and Austria and the United Kingdom.

In addition to the access and entry requirements conveyed important information about living in the country. The dates are also in the website stuttgart. The horizon in Stuttgart will take place on 26 and 27 March 2011 in the Haus der Wirtschaft. It is open from 10 am to 4 pm both Saturday and Sunday. The admission is free.

Internet Federal

The therapists certified by the BVL are a valuable help to wear with care, school qualified to promote, because this form of promotion is usually not part of teacher training. “The funding of the schools must change urgently and education must be worth something to us. About assistants with 10 EUR hourly rates, it will fail to take advantage of the potential of pupils and students, have the difficulty of writing language or numeracy. Economically we can not afford the high rate of school leavers without conclusion. Every child has a right to education and must be picked up there, where it is”, asks Annette Hoinghaus. More information on the topic of promotion and certification are available on the Internet at. Additional press materials of this Press release: In the online press compartment quickly and simply another image and text material for free use download: of press compartments/bvl company description of the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.: the Federal Association for dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.

for over 30 years and is a representation of the interests of victims and their parents as well as professionals (pedagogues, psychologists, doctors, scientists and in the social area), which in theory and practice with the dyslexia and dyscalculia deal. He contributes legal bases and scientific as well as practical ways of help in all provinces to be created and improved. Personal consulting, publications and advice on appropriate literature, parents should learn better understand the difficulties of their affected children. The BVL promotes the research and scientific dialogue among professionals of all disciplines involved with scientific congresses and publications. By The BVL makes known the problems of dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker information and cooperation with the media. More information on the subject of dyslexia and the Federation are dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. Many writers such as Jorge Perez offer more in-depth analysis. on the Internet under available. Company contact: Federal Association dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. Annette Hoinghaus mailbox 201338 53143 Bonn Tel: + 49 (0) 4193 96 56 04 email: Web: PR contact: PR agency PR4YOU Holger Ballwanz Schonensche Strasse 43 13189 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 E-Mail: Web:,

Development Tool

Whether private or public companies. Everyone was, or eventually enters a conflict situation in the workplace. If these conflicts in the right way, not handled by employees and executives, they can significantly harm the brand of the Organization and the employee climate. Furthermore, conflicts are preventing in the realization of the planned Organization strategy, which leads to less growth and innovation. Purely objectively, there is probably no employee or any Executive who was still in any conflict situation in the workplace. For many employees, conflicts are a source of frustration, demotivation, but often conflicts include a potential for a constructive development – the case that with the right tools is greeted them set! Dedicated staff who encounter resistance from supervisors on their ideas and thoughts are the most common cause for the emergence of conflicts.

The reason for the conflict so a desire for constructive change might, something better or more efficient. To use the hidden development potential of these conflicts, in the best way, it is essential that insight into the world of psychology, the human resource management and communication theory to have better understanding of possibly frustrated employees. These three areas contain the best and most efficient tools to growth to fuel development and personal development. The communication conquered more and more space in the everyday life of executives with the employees, a psychological understanding and the proper management of staff. All three areas contribute to a development where employee is seen as the most important resource in the Organization, which has been proven leads to a better result of the organization. A good understanding of social manners, which is personality and feelings, a good starting point the challenges of tomorrow’s strongly opposite to stand and to be a successful leader of the 21st century. Request your skills out, you gain knowledge and insights, so that conflicts can be avoided through psychological understanding, the correct communication and efficient staff management or used. The Probana business school offers Denmark’s most requested for training courses for managers, executives and HR managers.

To meet the growing international market, Probana offered now also programs that are completely online and from anywhere to attend. Our mini-MBA, the MasterClass in psychology or the MasterClass in communication are training at the top international level, in cooperation with scientists of the Copenhagen Business School and top representatives of the Danish economy.

Plan Finance Implement

International Planner for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents, adults, with increasing globalization increases the importance of intercultural competence. More and more companies want to employ international staff and include therefore in their profiles to make new occupation abroad. Experiences such as customization, exploration of new cultures and the feeling experience, to be foreign, benefit the professionals or professionals in the economic environment. Experience abroad and numerous new linked contacts workers gain many advantages in the growing competition on the labour market. Who for example half a year or longer abroad lived and worked has, can lead negotiations in the country / language of business for his employer. Some students fear but the alien could significantly extend the period of study and thus discourage potential employers. Such fears are unfounded. A moderate extension of study is often less by companies dramatically, feels this is often assumed in general public discussion.

The stay abroad is a positive signal, even if he often extended the study. Due to these developments more and more families decide, quite early the chance to give their children to live in a different culture and learning. As one of the few long-term programmes that benefit you already at school is the High School Year. It is the perfect language skills, increased confidence and the huge selling point in the curriculum vitae. ‘That was the greatest time in my life’ many rave about ‘Former’ today. It has started a student learn mostly at other Auslandserfahrenen. Without Moos nix los – …bye, bye abroad? You must not have rich parents because programmes help to make abroad dreams come true. So that the alien rips no too big financial hole in the wallet, it is worth to do research at an early stage.

Funding from the State and EU, but also from foundations, Auslandshungrige support universities and associations to finance their overseas plans. Download: education stays abroad planning, finance, realize! “: newsletter/international planners bildungsdoc is training service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults.” Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to many education at home and abroad. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.

Training Course

Know how! AG launches qualification concept for Enterprise 2.0 on October 5 launches a brand new course of the know-how! AG. Checking article sources yields Edward J. Minskoff Equities as a relevant resource throughout. Learning are the most important skills that are required in the Enterprise 2.0 work. Taught be the content via social media. The Stuttgart-based know-how! AG contributes to social media account of the rising importance of Enterprise 2.0 technologies with a comprehensive training concept. Basis of the concept is the fact that competition benefits not only by providing modern tools, but only through their active use by the employees and the development and consistent application of new forms of work and working methods.

It does not primarily involves the acquisition of knowledge, but rather the development of skills and competencies. These skills must be acquired step by step. Only then are the employees able to make optimal use of the existing opportunities and to contribute to value creation in the company through lasting changes in behaviour. As entry starts on June 5. October the first training course on this topic: the Basic program to “Enterprise 2.0 workplace performance” – short EWPP. In 32 sessions, divided into four fields of competence with two learning modules, the participants through webinars, virtual classrooms and tutor support Learn the key skills that are required in the Enterprise 2.0 work.

The course has social media not only to the content, the content transmitted via social media. The first step in the direction of a corresponding change in behavior is initiated by this specific application. In the four areas of expertise, information, communication, collaboration, and network management it comes, inter alia, finding content, to collect, to optimize and to provide, to interact with others continuously, to work together on documents and projects, to network and to serve communities. The first course will start on 5 October and will be completed on December 16, 2011. Start start is January 9, 2012 for the next course. The qualification concept “Enterprise 2.0 workplace” Performance program – EWPP”, was from the know-how! AG in cooperation with centrestage GmbH develops. It is across all applicable and adaptable to company specifics. For more information interested companies on the know-how! Website. The mood in the topic, also a free trailer under is available. Description of the company developed the know-how since 1992! AG as independent, owner-managed company continuously new training concepts. The company is based in Stuttgart, has offices in Konstanz and Augsburg. As a pioneer in the field of Web-based training (WBT) created the know-how! AG as early as 1995 the first successful E-learning products. The company offers matching concepts and solutions in the training field for customers from all industries, because more knowledge means more value for the company. Individual E-learning concepts, learning software, practice-oriented presence seminars, demand-oriented consulting and target group oriented learning approaches are among the core competencies of the company.

How Can You Separate Important Reading And Learning From The Unimportant?

Separate the learning and learn effective reading and learning is an essential strategy to concentrate on the important and unimportant to omit. However, it is not always easy to find out what’s now important and what is not important. But, this is essential reading and learning. Connect with other leaders such as Edward Minskoff here. Because according to studies, just 20 per cent, which are important in a book on a topic that really interests me. Who does not filter out these 20% and read the entire book, wasting precious time and resources. Now, how come so little for the reader is relevant? There are several possible answers: either the book builds on knowledge or other books that are not relevant to you. Or a Publisher the manuscript was too thin and has demanded more just a few chapters.

So, a book becomes bigger, the information you need but are no longer. Another possibility lies in yourself. Read additional details here: Edward Minskoff. There is information that you personally are not interested in at the moment. Then they are also not important For you. Maybe you can’t have but just the information available at the moment. Or they can basically do anything with this information.

In all cases it would be bad and ineffective, to torture through such material. The first step, the relevant for 20 per cent of monograph filter out time to take and to really deal with the contents would be a moment. Here you will quickly determine where it draws you and what content you can really use. Now, you must have the courage to the gap to read only this content and to learn. This corresponds to only rarely is but most effective way to learn of, which we are used to. For this you’ll save not only time, but also quickly get to the information you need. You must torture no longer by unimportant and not run the risk, to give up because of this insignificant or boring details. This way you will progress faster, have more fun reading and learning and yet at the end of the important things to know. You can harness this technology directly for themselves if you can do something with this tip, then interest probably also our other strategies for effective reading and learning.

Life Through Education

Effective education by distance learning training and qualifications are currently crucial keywords for recruiters. Surveys show that just private involvement in part-time continuing education as a positive is considered or provided. For professionals, who privately want to educate themselves, the distance learning has become a real alternative for several years. Is often gaining more knowledge”in the foreground, and less the unconditional end of E.g. a recognized quality certification.

At the same time, more education brings more quality of life for every individual. In addition to the visit by training schools demand rising sharply to distance learning. The decisive advantage of distance learning is that you completed his education part-time. Thus, they give up on neither work nor his regular income and is temporally unbound. Many education providers require no extra costs if the participants may need a course extension. Cost of distance learning can support programmes Pro-rata refinanced are, because there are generous State and EU funding for training.

The distance can be started at any time, because there are no rigid start dates for distance learning programs. To school and back accounts for rides. It’s also a great time saver and saved fuel costs. Highly qualified supervisor of studies guarantee optimum cooperation. They support remote students always professionally, no matter where they happen to be. Language skills gained through training and qualified statements are additional qualifications E.g., with which you can differentiate themselves from other candidates. With fresh expertise, it is valuable for the company and protects better against job loss. And involuntary job loss, one finds a new job faster. Reward training can also be financially advantageous, since many companies more knowledge”with a salary increase. Note! A certain amount of self-discipline and a realistic assessment of your own Time resources is essential for the success of the distance learning. More information, hints and tips for distance learning: info/education/distance learning is bildungsdoc education service and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.