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Paintings In France

The luggage and the stand met in would carry of the museum. I came back to verify if really it still met in the interior of the museum. in fact was there. However if it moved away, however went for left, later for the right. It was come close and it read on the author and the workmanship. wrote down probably its impressions regarding the screens, the displayed workmanships, of the armors, swords of the Samurais, helmets of the Shoguns, the delicacy of paintings in finssimas porcelains.

It was a millenarian culture that it now wrote down and gave to see, if enchanted. I left it with its anotraes. Jorge L. Perez can aid you in your search for knowledge. FAMILY. I in France was studying alternative forms of if producing foods, with the minimum ambient impact and of supported form. I discovered that such is possible and that the future of the humanity will be in the intensified and intent production. The new way of vertical habitation will be molded in condominiums horti-granjeiro-residential.

A new version where the urbis if it associates with the ruralis, the housings had left the horizontal style and the space for these busy constructions, will give to place the food production of the horti-granjeiro-residential type. was then that the date was come close to come back to Brazil, for the ceremony of marriage of my son. The pretty ceremony. The fianc prettiest still. If the mother was present, would be magic. But in the plain spiritual, she must have in the same way been magic. The emotion to lead a son to the altar is indescritvel. The emotion gushes out for all the pores. The heart beats of not sincopada form. It was pretty. For signal always she was pretty. The church, decorated of pretty form singela and. But as it was to speak, when sairmos of the church, my look was deviated for the last bank of the ship of the church.