Tag Archive for Self

Give Gifts

More recently, in the course of 'Girls' Secrets – How to learn to understand women' we talked about what to give girls and a case so that your gift remembered for a long time. After some time, the observations I have noticed that, In addition, it is important to know what to give, it is important to know how to give a gift. Official site: starwood capital. I was faced with the fact that the majority believes that the more expensive the gift, the more it will be appreciated. Accordingly, it appears that those who have some material prosperity, can breathe easy, and those who do not have such means, nervously biting his elbows. Shimmie Horn is the source for more interesting facts. And because few people know that an expensive diamond ring, a gift from wrong will look cheap on Compared with things cheaper, but properly presented to. In simple terms – a little buy the right gift, it is also necessary to present properly. To the woman was not only pleased, but also eternally grateful. But rather a grateful woman … So, the key to successful gift depends on: – What do you say – What do you say – What do you pack – As you're moving at the same time – from your internal state – from the situation – your creative ability to reach all of one sitting, "I could not, bo parvets," said my aunt as my childhood friend when he was smeared with half a loaf with jam. So long as touch points, the use of which will increase by several times the pleasure your lady with whom you then there will be a long time to get solid dividends.

Virtual Reality History

Criticism of the traditional version of history has one main conclusion: The conventional historical concept – is a chimera. Human civilization has evolved continuously and sequentially from simple to complex forms, without any blossoms and fading, and its actual historical reality should be much shorter. Ways of knowing the past used by historians, are far from scientific. The very object of study is that neither experiment nor observation as a basic scientific methods can not be used. The evolution of the land could not be illogical and unevenly, from complex to simple forms of life and back. Historians XVII – XVIII centuries, collected all the materials of the past times, by guesswork, separated from fiction and truth from the rest of the supposedly reliable, did not have in most cases the precise geographical and temporal binding, blind – but otherwise you could not tell – a single picture of the past. In this archives and museums are filled with all kinds of fakes and forgeries. The authors created them, of course, not to facilitate the hard work of historians, but purely from motives of interest.

Separate the wheat from the chaff historical methodology does not allow this story and turned too thoroughly false. The past is uniquely their own biases in the development of science in different nations. Thus, the ancient Greeks somehow achieved tremendous results in philosophy and various sciences. And the Romans for some reason this is largely not involved, but began to develop right. The ancient Chinese struck in astronomy, the Indians – in the knowledge of the inner world, and the Vikings – in art navigation. In reality, it does not happen. For each artifact is its manufacturing technology. She revealed to him, but hidden from superficial analysis, but because it is often overlooked.

Any excavated household items, enjoyed by our ancestors, carries information about how, in what circumstances and with what he had done. So we can learn about the technological level of society, will produce the item. Changing only the immediate objectives and problem, but they all end up under one – a better life. Therefore, if an individual consciousness can be unpredictable, the choice of society in the historical scale always is predetermined. Consciousness – the category psychological. This means that it funkuionirovanie and development are subject to the laws that science has already described, or continues to investigate further. And so in human life or society should also traced these patterns. That is, people's actions are not random, they are subject to a certain logic, and if it were not so, then such a science of psychology would not exist. Download VA Lopatin book 'The Matrix Scaliger. Read additional details here: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. "

Falling Snow

What is for us in this case the water? New space of experience, different medium. Step by step, learning the process of interaction, we adapt to new circumstances and feelings. When we do not know how to swim is important for us support – bottom. And just to be losing support, get a brand new area of experience and sense of self, we are frightened and begin to panic. Scary pictures and images can fill our imaginations, we can even really feel that we have something pulling at the bottom. Others who may share this opinion include Ron Beit. But when all is well over, after a while, we realize that much of what happened was an illusion of our mind.

With something like we may encounter in the practice of Dreams. Ron Beits opinions are not widely known. There are three fundamentally different phenomena, which can be confused because of their similarity in the manifestation, especially in the beginning. The first phenomenon, apparently, no one can be attributed to a protected mechanism of our body, the second – to treat the area where the cause of our images is the emotional chaos and fear. The third phenomenon relates to the Dreaming, the which the images have their cause and role, ie – Are a natural part of the process. So, what can these images. This is usually expressed as a feeling of another presence, a fixed shade, shadow that moves on periphery of the visual field, a figure that is constantly running away on the edge of the visual field, or, conversely, tries out for him to look out, the image (usually creepy), which appears at the edge of the visual field, often trying to look into eyes or speak, shape or image that appears near the center of the field of view, the behavior ranging from indifference, to outright violent, more.

Details appearance, behavior, etc., may be different – from bizarre and funny to openly intimidating. Apparently, it depends largely on our expectations and perceptions. Often, these images appear at a time when we are in the borderline and / or can not completely separate from the body. It may also occur at a time when we are in the so-called 'sleep paralysis'. By the way, the latter may give rise to doubts about the mental health, because many people, getting into a state of sleep paralysis in earnest begin to question their normality or even spend years in fear of dying or losing heart. Do not be afraid, everything is in order – is a natural phenomenon. For each type of phenomenon has its own ways to eliminate these unwanted symptoms. But this need to talk in more detail. However, the main practical advice – do not panic and do not engage in these images. I would like to conclude by saying the main character animated film 'Under cover of night, 'Tim,' If I do not fear – shadow will disappear! " Falling Snow, Lucid dreaming

Basic Assumptions

Very often, our mood and idea of the world depends on the so-called automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughts (AM) is thought to arise in the mind without our planning and intentions. Often we are not even aware of our automatic thoughts. Make a conscious automatic thoughts – I believe – a great achievement for a man. But whence come these ideas? After all, to make them aware you need to understand the cause and source of these thoughts … 'Roots' AM are much deeper – it's basic assumptions (AI), and deeper, fundamental beliefs. If the AM we can still recognize a certain phrase, the assumptions are not so obvious. Sometimes one can only speculate about them based on our behavior.

For example, IP insecure man: "If someone is acquainted with me closer, he realizes how bad I am a person starts I despise and reject. " PIs act as 'rules' governing our daily activities and our expectations. But a deeper level of representation – the fundamental beliefs (FU). Fundamental beliefs that general, unambiguous and absolute statements about himself, others and the world at large. In the same number of FU insecure person may include the following: "I am worthless ',' People are a threat ',' Everyone is trying to hurt me." All these representations are common, unambiguous, they are unconditional. The man does not think: 'Sometimes people are dangerous', he thinks: 'Humans are dangerous' – absolutely and unconditionally. One of my FU past, when I arrived in Israel and the 'taste' reality life was, 'All marokantsy stupid and rude', 'Dark hate whites. " Therefore, seeing in the rearview mirror in the car marokantsa, I subconsciously expect that he is about to start beeping and shouting that I should go back to Russia which is certainly a loss for words that I say this 'rude':) Automatic thoughts escalate the situation, and when he finally overtook me, I could see only a young man with anger poluperekoshennym face:) Location taken assumptions and basic beliefs? They are mostly formed in childhood. Or, as it was in my example above, in consequence of changing the world, where everything was new and I took it to new a negative context. So to me, Israel was at first seems very negative, with a mass of people who hate each other:) Since the fundamental beliefs from childhood to help us make sense of what is happening around us, we never think about in order to test their applicability and reality of adulthood. As adults, we continue to act, think and feel as if our fundamental ideas – is a wholly true: (

The Abyss

We can therefore say that Daath is a place where there is no hope, where there is no tomorrow. This pseudo-Sefira is the point of revolution of consciousness that so well reflects noose hung in taro. This property connects Sefira with Libra and, among other things, Daath sometimes identified with the two-faced Janus, the god of doorways. Of the colors corresponds to Daath transparent or gray, because the color is very discreet, he is lost among the rest. There is a belief that one can not stand "in the doorway," the threshold did not pass, all the echoes of the human fear of the unknown, which is beyond Daath as the portal to infinity. Daath – the balance point between Chokmah and Binah, the left and right hemispheres of the brain. In this as Daath is the cerebellum.

The Aztecs considered magical cerebellum area, the concentration on the base of the skull allowed Aztec magicians travel on a fiery cave Chikamostoka, quite comparable to the tunnel Seta, Kenneth Grant. Travel on these caves began to dream and here it is worth noting that Drimhakery found in their study of sleep a funnel located in the northwest of Dreams cards. This education could transported to the deep plane of the second attention and report the state of gnosis. Parallel suggests itself, Grant said that Daath strangely associated with Yesod Sefira-dreams, body experiences and trance, "The Abyss of Daath and very in tune, because the Abyss is a limit to what can be 'apprehended' under it, and Daath is the funnel, into which we fall into when trying to explore beyond.

Midlife Crisis

Recently, we have increasingly heard the news on the radio broadcasts on television and read in newspapers about the horrible word "crisis". In this case we are talking about the economic situation of our country. But today, it goes on it, but no less well-known, having in its name the word "crisis". This is all so frightening and terrifying mid-life crisis. What is this midlife crisis? First of all, this is an emotional state, sometimes very long-term, occurring in people aged 35-40, increasingly among the stronger sex (forgive me man =). The man starts to think about, all he had in life, nothing is not missed. Often lead to thinking memories of childhood and youthful dreams and plans for the life of soul-searching.

Being vulnerable, susceptible strong emotions, one begins to blame and blame themselves, feel like a failure. My head is spinning constantly one and the same thought: "I have so many years, virtually the entire life behind, and what I have achieved what I've seen that done in this life?" The reason why such an emotional load, and sentiments, and his own mid-life crisis is not so complicated as it seems. It's simple. Man is not satisfied with his life only because he had done and does not do what he wants. However, the most curious thing is that such thoughts arise and "successful" people having strong family and impressive capital, an apartment in the city center, standing at the top of the career ladder and other "basic" achievement. These people self-flagellation takes a slightly different tone: "I have therefore already have everything, do not now change, so I'll live the rest of my life "crisis of middle age people start to feel a connection with the occurrence of natural feeling is priceless, unique life. And of course, when a man approached the mid- his life, reveals the lack of bright colors, saturation, adventure, he begins to feel at ease.

Many of the people facing the crisis of middle age, begin to follow the standard and exceptional advice of psychologists who recommend to change jobs, relax, do extreme sports, but that is just trying to escape from the crisis. But most people throw up their hands and still did not change in their daily lives, and prefer to resolve such a serious problem of other "proven" means, for example, alcohol. To solve this problem, rather than run from it have to be strong in spirit, but it's not all on shoulder. To find the solution to the crisis of middle age, you must do exactly what he calls you. Many perceive the crisis as an illness, but if you think this is the beginning of your recovery. Called mid-life crisis to help people come to the right place, the easiest and shortest way. But all attempts to avoid the not so pleasant symptoms of this "disease" only hinder you hear and understand her message, instruction, and in consequence, and test new and beautiful experience, bright and free. Stop take a midlife crisis as something horrible, do not harm themselves, but rather think of it as a great event in your life. It is in this time you have a unique chance to improve their lives. Do not miss it!