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Features very valid, given that a good manager should have a full command of his self-control, properly handle their emotions and know manage, control of your staff. About this insist on seminars, courses, workshops that we dictate, since in the case of many managers leave much that say the absence of the proper handling of self-control, know to properly handle their emotions in such a way. that does not generate conflicts, otherwise, have to know you encourage based on personal growth, creativity, and productivity. To this is added the relevance of encourage the mindset strategist that every manager has, to this end, need to provide modern knowledge troop administrative science and other disciplines such as psychology, sociology, emphasis is placed on to encourage creative and innovative potential that each person brings, providing the necessary tools that will step in for real, workable, successful strategies. We also share with the importance, relevance that a good manager must know how to handle the oral and written communication, favouring that staff fully informed of all actions undertaken by the Manager based on achievements, results favouring all.

This is very important, because the management is responsible for the success or failure of a company, it is essential to direct the Affairs of the same. Provided that there is a group of individuals pursuing an aim, becomes necessary, for the group to work together in order to achieve the same, maintain good communication. Currently, given the characteristics of the economic scenarios very dynamic, changing, challenging, threatening, transformative, but also full of opportunities is required of managers to ensure security through their modern knowledge of science Administration and its tools demonstrating ability of analysis, evaluation, diagnosis, interpretation on them. As well as capabilities of innovation, creativity, generating new ideas that give step if necessary transformations that they favour the development of the Organization and know face the changes and challenges. Having a good technical ability required of managers with leadership ability, coach, empowerment in order to properly manage the resources of the company, in particular, the human resource knowing leverage the talent of its staff, the human capital, in such a way, that guarantee productivity, cohesion of equipment, motivation, performance, job satisfaction. Specifically authors such as Garcia and Martin (1980), Hersey and Blanchard (1977), Terry and Franklin (1986), agree that three types of skills, capacities to effectively develop the managerial work is necessary.

These are: the technical ability: involves the ability to use technical knowledge, methods, techniques and the means necessary for the execution of specific tasks. It involves specialized knowledge, analytical capability, easy to use techniques and tools. It can be obtained through formal education or through personal experience or others. The human skill: is sensitivity or ability of the Manager to work effectively as a member of a group and achieve cooperation within the team that directs. The conceptual ability: is the ability to perceive the Organization as a whole, recognizing its elements, interrelationships between the same, and as changes in any part of the organization they affect or may affect the other elements.