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Parsnip Seed

Pastinaca sativa L. – Pasternak seed description. Biennial herb with fusiform fleshy, yellowish-brown, mnogolovnym root, in the first year developed pinnate leaves on long cuttings, for the second year – there stem tall, glabrous, up to 100 cm, ribbed, cauline leaves sessile, usually simple, with long sheaths, flowers are collected in a cyme with 8-12 principal rays. Corolla – out of 5 golden-yellow petals. Fruit, flattened with sides, split into two, with longitudinal ribs wings and filmy winged edges. Blooms in June – August. Distribution. It grows in meadows and wet grassland areas, among shrubs, along the roads.

Occurs anywhere in Europe. Raw materials used. Roots (Radix Pastinacae), seeds (Semina Pastinacae). Content. In the roots contain essential oil, coumarin, in the seeds – an essential oil, coumarins (bergapten, imperatorin, ksantotoksol, etc.), fatty oil, rich petroselinovoy acid. Installed gemotipy high miristitsina in essential oils.

Essential oil seed contains two types of aliphatic (complex) esters, which differ from each other in the presence or absence esters of acetic acid. The main action. Koronarodilatiruyuschee, antispasmodic and mild anti-hypertensive. Experimental and clinical data. Of biologically active substances parsnip seed most studied in detail pastinatsin. Pastinatsina action, investigated as a drug for the Langendorf isolated heart and in the whole organism, causes increased coronary blood flow within 10-15 minutes. Widening coronary vessels pastinatsina properties have also been established against the background of experimental coronary artery spasm caused by different vasoconstrictor agents. On peripheral blood vessels pastinatsin has more weak vasodilator action. According pastinatsin has antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Especially pronounced antispasticheskoe effect proved by the experimental spasm induced by acetylcholine and barium chloride. Pastinatsin has a moderate effect in gipotensivnoe animals; it lowers blood pressure and in rabbits with experimental hypertension. Pharmacological Research coumarin mixture, isolated from parsnip, and found that this mixture is characterized by koronarorasshiryayuschih properties that are observed in the preparation of isolated heart of warm-blooded animal, and in the whole organism. On the model of experimental coronary, provokirovannogo pituitrin in unanesthetized rabbits, total mixture suppresses vasoconstrictor effects pituitrina. On preparations of smooth muscle observed a moderate spasmolytic effect caused by the mixture of total coumarins parsnip. With regard to peripheral vascular mixture is virtually inactive. Studies in the mix to establish its effect on oxidation processes in the myocardium have shown that it has no effect on myocardial oxygen consumption. Isolated from parsnip coumaric mixture has a weak to moderate positive inotropic and negative chronotropic action. Shimmie Horn takes a slightly different approach. Toxicity of coumarin mixture is negligible. Conducted to study the effects blend in rats treated with it for a long time, studies have shown that plant the drug has no effect on behavior, for the development of animals. Substance is well tolerated and side effects were observed. On histological examination of parenchymal organs not found deviations from the norm. The same can be said of hemolytic performance. When tracing teratogenicity coumarin mixture has not been established malformations in rats until the third generation. Therapeutic applications. Pastinatsin apply at cardiac neurosis, angina pectoris, colic, etc.