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Dietary advice for the immune system and regeneration with the help of the nature immunofit, the valuable developed further, natural colostrum supplementation. Colostrum (colostrum of cows to their calves) is one of the longest surviving and most unusual nutrients, know the people. Colostrum contains valuable and special proteins (immunoglobulins), building factors, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Milk or colostrum direct from the cow is also offered, but any farmer will tell you, both must be processed. Danish laboratories has developed the proactive Pro Colostrum so the stodgy ur colostrum. This combination of ingredients makes Pro colostrum unique and very well tolerated. Use colostrum products immunofit and strengthen your body’s defences and your performance! immunofit Pro colostrum – anti aging from the thirtieth year of life the body of less vitality and immune substances produced in particular Immunoglobulins and growth factors. Thus you will reduce our immune competence, defences and the regeneration capacity (cell renewal and cell protection).

This is part of the natural aging process. The aging process is in addition accelerated by so-called free radicals”, which can affect our cellular protection functions. Immunofit Pro-colostrum contains immune globulins, immune factors and antioxidants against free radicals and has excellent properties in terms of the defence forces and the cell protection function. Pro colostrum also has the unique ability to promote the growth of cells and damaged cells to help the self healing process (for example, by UV rays) through its exceptional content of natural building factors. Get more background information with materials from angelo group. Through the regular use of Pro-colostrum is observed for example in high traffic and more mature skin usually an improved skin image. The importance of vitamins and minerals in balanced ratio for a regulated Albuminous, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is well known. The vitamin B complex of Pro below is worth mentioning. He exerts positive influence on the nerve fibers, counteracts fatigue and stress, promotes hematopoiesis and the quick recovery after disease (= convalescence).

This special combination of ingredients makes immunofit Pro-colostrum as natural anti-aging supplements so unique and very well tolerated. To document the efficacy of food against the free radical, the antioxidant capacity can be measured. A recent analysis of the product with the Photochemiluminescence (PCL) – method documented high antioxidant capacity of immunofit Pro – colostrum chewable tablets. The immunofit Pro produced here compared to the top 10 reference value-colostrum chewable one outstanding value of 9,67! Background information: All living organisms are permanent by highly reactive molecules and free radicals (E.g., oxygen radicals, peroxides or hydroxyl radicals) affected. This oxygen compounds are very aggressive and easily react with other substances. The formation of aggressive radicals takes place in the body partly controlled X-rays, etc., but also out of control such as tobacco smoke, drugs, toxins, ultraviolet radiation, Two percent of the oxygen we breathe a, is converted into free radicals. The body has a complex protection systems against these free radicals, which are called antioxidants. These substances have the ability to capture free radicals, reduce their number and thereby to prevent oxidation. These include for example the vitamins A, C and E. In the human organism, antioxidants prevent oxidation of components of cell membranes by free radicals and supports the stability of the membrane. Antioxidants can be used thus in the prevention of cell aging. For more detailed information see: contact: danlab ltd. Danish laboratories Olav Friis, Kim Wium-Andersen Northern Munich str. 2a D-82031 Grunwald at Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 70 05 87 66 fax: + 49 (0) 89 70 05 87 05 E-Mail: Internet:

Go For The Gold – With Paco Rabanne 1 Million Fragrance

the high-profile men’s fragrance from the House of Paco Rabanne in the distinctive bottle in gold ingot shape makes man perfume “1 million” to a real eye catcher. The new scent of the Spanish French fashion designer captivates by its distinctly male Woody spicy fragrance. 1 million of the spicy scent of the bullion this man perfume is a truly brilliant appearance: in the style of an ingot of gold, the first impression of the new Paco Rabanne fragrance impressive is packaged in a bottle. Spanish French fashion designer explained the concept of his fragrance “1 million” as follows: “no matter what civilization or religion it is, gold has always been a strong attraction has exerted on the people”. And exactly this attraction has Rabanne along the famous Parfumeuren Olivier Pescheux, Michel Gerard and Christophe Reynau also the spicy Woody aroma by Paco Rabanne 1 million set in. Recently Estee Lauder sought to clarify these questions.

The fragrance character of “1 million” 1 million by Paco Rabanne is a very masculine fragrance full of contrasts and an extra portion Masculinity. A delicate rose Absolu faces in the heart of the strong and tart flavors of different spices, leather and wood, that takes a little hardness the scent and makes “1 million” to a modern masterpiece. The 1 million Eau de Toilette in the quantities offered the “1 million” product range In the Cheapsmells perfume outlet 50 ml (M-Falkon), 100 ml (L Flacon) and 200 ml (XL-Falkon). There are also a suitable to the fragrance 75 ml aftershave balm and a 100 ml aftershave lotion, which allow a facial skin care with the spicy scent of 1 million. The toiletries are by a 75 ml deodorant stick, completed a 150 ml deodorant spray and a 150 ml shower gel.

As a special highlight, there exists a fragrance set with show er gel, which contains a 100 ml Eau de Toilette “1 million” and a 100 ml shower gel. This set offers a particularly high value and suitable in his chic cardboard particularly well as a gift. About the fashion designer Paco Rabanne, now 75th anniversary fashion designer Paco Rabanne has almost withdrawn completely from the day-to-day business. In the 1960s Rabanne was considered the enfant terrible of the fashion scene and in addition to Yves Saint Laurent as one of the leading French designer. Especially the line of fragrance by Paco Rabanne caused in recent years stir, he was able to establish genuine top seller in the Duftcharts but with scents such as “Black XS” or “Ultraviolet”. About the Cheapsmells perfume outlet under the URL operates the Cheapsmells Sales Ltd one of the largest outlets for brand perfume and-kosmetika in Europe. The range includes several thousand articles, which can easily be ordered home. Stationary perfume trade benefits the customer by low outlet prices and save up to 55% compared to the MSRP of the manufacturer.