Superior Federal Court

This substance has as subs-heading; Docncia: a career discredited; Why the docncia does not attract, Our future professors and in the topic Solutions: Way to attract the best ones, the magazine uses the specialists invited by the Foundation Victor Civita the same one that the research elaborated and that is proprietor of the magazine, (understands Group April). Nir Barzilai, M.D. is a great source of information. In this in case that cited, the axiolgica question is not argued and yes the inversion of the diffusing logic mere of notice, for generating of knowledge. The Net Globe of Television shows in the mornings of Saturday the program Globe Education, especially come back toward this subject, demonstrating that it uses this project for ' ' to investigate the educational situation in pas' ' also provides to the participation of specialists ' ' that they analyze concrete problems and they formulate practical suggestions for enfrent-los' '. It is always important for the companies, mainly of the branch of communications, to demonstrate the comprometimento that have with the partner-educational questions in order to construct a positive image of its performance in the market, exactly that, specifically, this organization (TV Globe), if has shown condescending with the military administration in the ditatorial period in Brazil and capable to manipulate the presentation of stretches of a debate politician to favor definitive candidate in a presidential election. Obviously that these attitudes are not condizentes with the ethical and moral paper come back toward the construction of the citizen that the company looks for to show in its programs. Another important question is that the vestibule of the Internet R7 that is part of the Record Group, propagated a substance on the professors with following manchete, ' ' Wage floor of professors can affect budget of cities in until R$ 1,9 bilhes' '. Evidently that in the interior of the substance the explanation comes complete, that is, had a victory of the educational classroom before the Superior Federal Court, who must be equated by the public managers adjusting the existing mounts of money for the fulfilment of the sentence.

What it is verified in information is that the substance with this heading was favorable to the professionals of the education, another side, is of knowledge of that the necessary media of sensationalist phrases to get the maximum of possible hearing, in such a way, did not have the lesser concern with that really they work for the qualification of the individuals for the confrontation of the world of the life and that vexatious they are remunerated. The heading of the substance could be, ' ' Victory of the education, a light in the end of tnel' ' , and in the segment of the notice, they would display the difficulty that this result can bring for the accounts of the public administration. The cooptao instruments that the medias use go since psychology passing for the marketing until the neurolingstica, what it allows them to reach resulted expressive. What it remains for education is to coexist lucidity flashings that, of time in when, they appear in the media with the intention to only transmit information to contribute with the growth of the educational field, without second intentions, thinking only about the construction of a true and compromised debate with the future of the country.

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