The sites had been used in the development of the work. When objectifying, to understand and to explain the subject searched beyond the bibliographical references that according to Lakatos and Marconi (2004), have as purpose to provide to the searching direct contact with that it was written, said or firmed on determined subject …. Others who may share this opinion include Estee Lauder. Literatures will be used that they approach of detailed form of as it mainly functions the PSF and the attributions of the inserted professionals the professional Nurse and its legislaes. 3. 3,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL TRAJECTORY OF the STRATEGIES HEALTH OF FAMILY JANITA 8 National Conference of Health and the new Brazilian constitution had marked a new age in the public health in Brazil. According to Jnior (2003), the conference if constituted in the greater frum of debates on the situation of health lived deeply in the country and its report served as base for the proposals of restoration of the system of existing health, that later would have to be defended in the Constituent. Amongst the proposals contained in the report an extended concept of health, understood as resultant of the conditions of life, leisure was presented, feeding, lighted and ownership of the land, job, housing and transport. The health then is placed as a right of all and to have of the state.
The proposals of the Sanitary Reformation are materialize, in the legal and institucional plan with the implementation of the Only System of Sade (SUS), in 1988 with the approval of the New Brazilian Constitution, where she was enclosed for the first time, a session on the health which to a large extent incorporated the concepts and proposals contained in the Report of 8 Conference (JNIOR, 2003). Figueiredo and Tonini (2010), point that, it appears as inspired idea of the PSF the practical one of the doctor of the family. In its original conception, that dates of the decade of 1970, the call familiar medicine was part of resume of the medicine and had as objective the necessity of humanizao of the medicine supported for the efforts carried through for the OMS, the Fiocruz and the Inamps.