The loan is one of the main tasks of the libraries. In all the popular books, are rendered in 40% 6% even newspapers and magazines are provided. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is open to suggestions. Except in one of the studied in Bilbao, it was possible to obtain at the same time books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers or magazines, but in none of the visited Granada, Cadiz and Valencia are allowed outside the periodicals. Users who visit the libraries of Barcelona are the ones who can bring home the greatest number of materials at one time, a dozen (the average is between five and six) by an within 3 weeks (the most common are 15 days); by contrast, in most of those analyzed in Zaragoza that amount is reduced to two materials (so was when the study, although that number has increased to five and the loan term has been extended one more week). When loan time is insufficient, the period can be extended: Madrid and San Sebastian are those that offer more facilities in this aspect (up to an additional month). A loan modification that can be done in person (91%), via mail (42%), by phone and by providing the information of the user (63%) or through the Internet (9%) meat. If the workbook that you want is not on the shelves of the library, the Centre has an interlibrary loan service.
Eight of every ten libraries offer this possibility, what is not happening in the vast majority of the examined in Madrid and Pamplona. On the other hand, only had to pay for transfer of material (between 1 and 23 euros) in 14 libraries of Alicante, Barcelona, Cadiz, Malaga and Vitoria. The libraries also have to respond to the growing demand of books in languages to Spanish or regional languages. 92% Of the centres visited users have this possibility, although the number and variety of titles differ much from a few centers to others.