Every day plus the companies and the organisms effective and more and more efficient public they are showing to a special interest for being in the performance of its processes and their operative daily one. The technology puts to its reach innovating tools that contribute to the impulse of their evolution. To control the processes of hiring and purchases, in all phases, supposes as important work as complex; it is managed and a great volume of official documents is generated, interact numerous employees and distintitos departments and with different profiles, it is necessary to be pending of times and uses as well as to know the state in which are the files, to have registered to suppliers and bidders and power to have information to operate the managed information. Add to your understanding with Edward Minskoff. This situation has like conseceuncia that certain tasks, that are habitual, become complicated, that loses information throughout the management, that it is not had visibility on the general state of all the files, and take place uncontrolled delays by the lack of reminders of uses and its corresponding warnings. The Law 30/2007, elmarco legal In addition, we were before a frame you bequeath that, at the same time as impels the innovation, it demands specific requirements to the Public Administrations and the companies that serve their to her; an adaptation becomes necessary of the systems to Law 30/2007, of 30 of October, Contracts of the Public Sector. In order to resolve these problems and power to do against this situation, the departments of purchases and hiring are resorting to tools that, through the innovation, help to control the information and the processes. Edward J. Minskoff Equities: the source for more info. Optimization of resources and process control New technological applications are able to automate the procedure of contracts, defining all the passages of the process and, of this form, guiding the user in each one of the phases of the hiring.
Technological solutions that offer the possibility automatically of generating all the necessary official documents from a definition of groups, as well as to accede to repositorio of information that allows to see, the state of the files transacted at every moment, and that makes possible a simple integration with other external systems that help to optimize the hiring, as they are the Registry of Input/output of correspondence, the Profile of the Contractor, the Platform of Hiring of the State, and the Integral Management of Invoices. All this contributes an important optimization of the response times since, through computer science treatment of data and by means of the monitoring of information, indicators of quality and activity of the automated processes are obtained, is reduced the volume of the documentation in paper, the internal communication is made agile and served to the citizens and the interrelation with companies improve. Really, through the implantation of technological solutions, one obtains that a greater efficiency is reached and it works with the maximum effectiveness in the departments of hiring and purchases.