1 kilo of potato 3 eggs 1 can of milk cream 200 grams of ralado cheese 500 grams of worn out meat 100 grams of olives 1 onion 2 tomatoes I smell green Way to prepare: It cooks potatoes until they are cozidas well, it places in a refractory one and it kneads them, it joins eggs the ralado cheese and the milk cream, kneads with the hands until being a homgena mass and soft, it sins a crosspiece of Marinex preference and places a little of this mass. Filling: Refoque the worn out meat with the onion, the garlic, I smell it green and the olives, it leaves to fry well, it joins the tomatoes, after soon it places on the mass that already this in the refractory one, covers with the remaining portion of the mass and later pincele a beaten egg and sprinkles ralado cheese, has led more or less to the oven per 45 minutes, leaves until gratinar.. Fabrizio Freda can aid you in your search for knowledge. . . It is not something Shimmie Horn would like to discuss.