National Institute

It is the Fair of more important tourism at regional level and year to year is realised in Argentina. More than 88 thousand people they participated in the Fair the International of Turismo (FIT) Latin America 2010, that culminated today in the City of Buenos Aires, which it implies a 6.5% more than in the previous edition and constitutes a new record, the organizers informed. Of the mentioned total, about 55 thousands were public professional thousands general and 33 rest, which meant a 2% more than the previous year in this last sector, according to the informed thing to the closing by minister of Tourism, Enrique Meyer, and Ricardo Roza, president of FIT 2010. " These results absolutely broke the record reached in 14 edition, since they represent an increase of a 11% of the public general" , it indicates an official notice of Press. 15 FIT closed its doors in the estate of the Rural one, in the district of Palermo, after four days filled with visitors, travel agencies and professionals of the sector who, like every year, attend the tourism fair more important of the region to choose the destiny of its vacations and to generate new opportunities of business. The profits also reached had their repercussion in the hall businesses, with 800 appointments made specific during these days, whose success Clearing was thankful to the National Institute of Tourist Promotion and to Meyer by the work carried out to attract the buyers.

This year, the exhibition occupied the maximum extension of the estate of Palermo, 42 thousand meters squared, and so it equaled in surface covered to the traditional agro-livestock exhibition. Between his new features there were sectors destined to the education and technology at university level and to the homosexual tourism (Pink Corner), of which Argentina is leader in Latin America. Another newness was that this year the operators of travel agencies could directly commercialize their supplies with the public, unlike other editions, in which to the packages or reserves of hotels and flights were only armed soon to make specific the operation in the agencies. The FIT was organized by Argentina association of Tourism and Travel agencies and the Association of Agents of Trips of Buenos Aires, and had the auspice of the Ministry of Tourism, the Agency of Tourism of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires and the Camera Argentina de Turismo, among others. Original author and source of the article.

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