Latin America

As acknowledged in his statement the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, Latin America is not only poorer than the European Union, but having a higher index of inequality, which shows that they have not worked for social cohesion and equal opportunities policies. The Mexican ruler admitted that the facts show that economic growth by itself does not solve the problem of poverty, but is essential to advance in your solution the President Calderon added that the market is an indispensable condition for the development and productive growth, but isn’t enough. The grinder position of the State is required to fix huge inequalities in Latin America, he added. They are necessary, public policies specifically aimed at overcoming poverty, and the main factor is the generation of employment and the fight against gender inequality because, he regretted, in Latin America poverty has a woman’s face. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has similar goals. Reportedly, the Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, was the most radical in their defense of policies to boost education, a valuable instrument for social inclusion, especially of women, indigenous people, immigrants and vulnerable and marginalized sectors. After six years of economic growth in Latin America, is the time to move forward, said Bachelet, who recalled that growth without equity is not conducive to the development and urged to take advantage of the economic boom to invest in education, strengthen social protection systems and distribute the benefits of growth. Let us not make the same mistakes as in the 90s, where we grew up, but we do not move in equity, He said. We want to grow to include and include to grow, said Bachelet, convinced that the strategic and regional association work in which Lac and the EU must transform into a partnership for development. Original author and source of the article.

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