Desire to obtain not originally intended for pleasure, but merely in order to build on top of it the property of bestowal. Michael Laitman Globalization revealed to us the existence of the system, all of which are rigidly connected between the themselves. The crisis has clearly demonstrated how the system works: when a bank collapses in Iceland without a pension are police officers in England. Events are developing with increasing speed, and we are anxiously asking, but what do we will open tomorrow? Kabbalists say that the following discovery that awaits us all, looks like this: we understand that should only receive necessary. Sounds, of course, very scary. Here, Edward Minskoff expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Immediately appear as open door to the house come the severe form with a list of my people, overwork acquired property and offer to voluntarily surrender the excess.
But who will decide that for me too much, and what is not? State? We have already held in unforgettable memory of the Soviet Union. Again the 'Back to the Future'? No way! However, the Kabbalists, of course, do not speak about it. About what? Try to explain. The idea is that originally laid down in the man only desires to maintain the life of his biological body and the human species as a whole: to food, sex, family, etc. All the other desires a person acquires, being in society. Life among his own kind makes it desire of fame, wealth and knowledge. In animals, such desires do not. They also need to demonstrate the power and gain respect for yourself, but basically it is dictated by a desire to get good food, which is always small.