Juan Donoso Cortes

The Jews then contended among themselves saying: How can this give us to eat your meat? Emotiva function or expressive the sacred record is a linguistic manifestation of divine sensitivity and human man created in the likeness of God shows from the earliest existence his emotional nature and its propensity to manifest it. Certainly one of the first skills that develop children is the use of language, and this faculty is generally one of the last to lose as an adult. A large part of daily human behavior and throughout his life is pure expressiveness. In the well known axiom of the theory of human communication cannot not communicate, implicit is the idea that human language in its use is an expressive medium par excellence.The verb Express is morphologically built by former present; that is what was previously imprisoned or trapped. Hardly the language, especially oral, statements are exempt from all emotional trait, and that is because each of the individuals living permanently in any mood.

The expressive function is not circumscribed to the externalization of emotions, people are continually expressing much of what happens in your inner world, this includes in addition to emotions; questions, aspirations, will, ways of thinking etc. Biblical expressiveness the sacred record can be considered a complete compendium of the moods of man, and a reflection on human language of divine expressivity. It is very far from the reach of the rational capacity describe, and much less explain, the degree of identification between the linguistic forms of the Bible and the emotions or thoughts of humans and even more of the creator. However, it is feasible to highlight the fact that the Scriptures are the milestones in the history of man, created, fallen and redeemed; These represented by the most eloquent expressive manifestations of God and his creatures. With regard to this last are appropriate statements of Juan Donoso Cortes in his famous speech of entry to the Royal Spanish Academy of the language in 1848, regarded as a masterpiece of academic oratory.

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