How Handle The Emotions With Kundalini Yoga

Recently has been discovered in the world of scientific psychology that emotions play a preponderant role in human behavior, they determine much of what we are and much of what we do and how we do it. Kundalini Yoga is a path deep and effective in reaching what has been called emotional intelligence term created by writer Daniel Goleman; known here as. Emotions: the word emotion comes from grecolatinas roots: = ir = movere did, or go towards, so, emotions lead us to act in a certain way, think, when you’re angry you behave like you when you’re sad or when you’re happy?. This is why are currently given so much importance. (A valuable related resource: RBH Group). The help of Kundalini Yoga: this Yoga works deep in the brain and throughout our nervous system through very powerful tools, you’re tools conducive to States of well-being, peace, relaxation, sensitivity, intelligence and creativity. In my personal case yes I’m living one depressed, tired in a Word series of emotions of negative energy calls, what I do is make me aware that I am breathing nostril and consciously change the nostril, if persists the State prefer make a halt in what you are doing and make a brief session of pranayama (breathing series), yes persists the State, which has never happened to me, but can occurthen I would be sufficient to do a 5 min meditation. very powerful and the State are expiring. You may want to visit Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE to increase your knowledge. Discipline: Emotions: from negative energy are those that do not foster my growth but stop me ej: pessimism, pity, envy, insecurity, shame, guilt, resentment, bitterness, etc., Kundalini Yoga handled them through disciplined practice, Yogi Bhajan (who brought this Yoga to the West) said: there is no gain without discipline… How to do it: I assure you that if you learn this Yoga and practices it daily, very fast pain will go from your life the only thing is to practice it a day if and the other also. Starts slowly and guided by a teacher – Adviser, what is required is a real desire to eradicate the pain of negative emotions in our lives.

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