Grinspun Society

According to Grinspun (1999, P. 32): The one development society does not consist of a simple linear movement of the same one, but of the accomplishment of a project where it has internalization in the conscience of that they integrate it e, also, in its viability, through the instruments that this conscience promotes. This is the paper of the education: to participate of the accomplishment of this project. Since the beginning of century XXI, the society contemporary produces and receives the technological innovations in a very intense speed, with regard to the medias of mass (reviewed, radio, periodicals, television, cinema), to the instruments of work (computerization, automation, robotizao), in the house works (with household-electric each time more sophisticated), and in the industry it leisure (games, electronic tricks). Certainly, at the beginning of this century, the young ones are the ones that more they are influenced by the technological innovations, therefore they are born and they grow interacting with a world that stops a great amount of adults is newness and, in this manner, they obtain with more easiness to learn and if to tie the new situations. As Moran (2000) the pupils are ready for the use of the technologies. On the other hand, the professors, as mediating they have unreliability front to this new tool of education. In this context, the Mathematical Education tied with the continuous use of the technology in classroom, contributes significantly for the inclusion and for citizenship and, in this manner, it surpasses obsolete, on resumes the conceptions theoretician-metodolgicos that dissociam the mathematical knowledge of the reality of educating becoming the apt citizen to live in a society in transformation that presents new instruments in the productions and its social relations and that it is consolidated continuously with new technological impacts. According to Pretto (1999), the school still meets strong on to the consisting paradigm of deductive and linear procedures.

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