The optimistical vision, related in this says, keeps alive the confidence in the school. Although it acquires, probably, contours diffuser e, in many aspects, less professionalized, the educative action will continue to appeal for professionals independent and creative, capable to think and to define its craft. What it appears as inevitable, in future terms, is the rupture with the model of school that we know and that, in historical terms, is if depleting. Therefore, you are welcome it advances to the professors to want to decide its current problems, turning over nostalgically for the past and hypothetical ' ' years dourados' ' of the school, (it will be that they had been of same gold) for which it will not be able more to return. For Canarian (2006), the education of the future will be marked by the centralidade in the person who learns, what she implies to rethink the ways of work of the educators. It is in the relation with the pupil (today, many times faced for the professors as its main problem), in the way to treat them, that the future is played.
FINAL CONSIDERAES: AN SKETCH TO CONTINUE Perhaps, for who it is reading this text and it perceives that it is come close to the final consideraes will be able to imagine, that in this epilogue, it will find formulas of as to change the school and as to solve joined problems in it. Who knows, until wait that has some practical orientation of as guiding itself, while educator or student of a course that prepares to be professor. Concretely, it will not find nor miraculous prescriptions, nor methodologies, therefore they do not exist, but she will be come across with notes on the direction of the change and the importance of the desestabilizadora reflection. One will meet with questionings, challenges and possibilities where if it constitutes the complex task to educate. Which the real responsibility of the school and the professors in relation to the students? This questioning remains intriguing and instigante. We will follow many you strike politicians, theoreticians, pedagogical and proposals of innovation regarding the social function of the school and educating, while practical professor, without arriving the solutions effective. In this Arroyo direction (apud MOLL, 2004) he affirms to be necessary to recoup the education.
To place the focus in the educandos and its processes formadores, to recognize in them a human being in formation. This includes processes of education, learning and construction of the knowledge. What it is important that the pupils learn in the school? That abilities, to know, must develop? It has many expectations on the work of the school and the action of the professor. One expects that it acts centered in the incumbency of the cognitivo development of the student, in the construction of the knowledge, but it has other dimensions that are necessary to the process of formation of the human beings. To form them ' ' … as totalities human beings who have rights if to constitute as human, to learn the complex arts of being gente.' ' (ARROYO apud MOLL, 2004, P. 13). Who must lead the process of change of the school? Which the size and the dimension of the change? The change in the school must occur in some fronts. Independent of chronological order