Fisiocrtica School

Both had appeared explaining nuncaabordadas theories until then, as the theory of the value, theory of the profit, amongst other alterations. The Smiths and Ricardo had been two of the thinking greaters already seen by the modern economy, to the side of other great scholars that had appeared later. Its theories are worthy of deep analyses and reflections and express what of more complete in the context of the economic theories it had in century XVIII. 2.Breve Historical on Fisiocracia, Smith and 2,1 Ricardo Sprouting of the Fisiocrtica School the fisiocratas had appeared in France with end of the mercantilism, for return of 1756, with two main thinkers: Quesnay and Turgot. Although to have been a movement of opposition to the mercantilism, the fisiocracia was not moved away total from the feudalismo, therefore France was an essentially agrarian country. For the fisiocratas, the society was regulated for a natural order that conducts the physical nature. Thus, if the men not to place obstacles to these laws the society will go to configure themselves according to a necessary drawing, with laws that will go automatically to impose to all the people. According to this school, the society can or not exist, but existing it brings vantagensas people who could not be gotten of another form.

One of these advantages is the exchange of merchandises, that can reduce and integrate the economic activities of the men. This reality is the starting point of the fisiocrtica analysis. So that let us can understand the reason of the fisiocrtica belief in the natural laws, we must coming back in them toward the French reality in century XVIII. It was an essentially agrarian economy, on the basis of the feudal private property; the economy already possua a capitalist character, even so still was possible to find peasants in the southern provinces; the activities carried through in the cities were of artisan character; they coexisted in one same reality the forms of agricultural production peasant and the capitalist, with prominence for this last form, that according to fisiocratas would be the advanced form desirable and for the time.

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