Ferdinand Tonnies

As colegira without much effort, demographic deconcentration, entails changes in production and consumption patterns of families. And this conveys through joint action by schools, media, municipalities and public welfare institutions (social and sports clubs, cooperative, cooperatives, mutual associations, religious organizations, the center of retirees and pensioners, groups of boys Scouts, chambers of commerce, labor unions). This joint action is not something to be done, but a phenomenon that is part of the everyday life of these stocks for which we are referring. And is not unique to them because they also occur in the metropolitan suburbs or even in the slums of the same, albeit with the limitations of its own problems of megacities. You may find that Energy Capital can contribute to your knowledge. Since here we are describing a profile, it varies in individual cases, with the addition or subtraction of some of the components mentioned. In these populations, unless they are in areas border, the only permanent presence of the national government is the mail, this especially after the privatization of public services. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Community synergy that is produced has the leading role, as mentioned above, the municipality, schools and even primary and secondary public welfare institutions. The feelings of community, which describe such Ferdinand Tonnies in his work of 1886, clearly perceived in these settlements, where, as we say colloquially, "everybody knows." It is not uncommon for a person involved in more than one entity of public utility, or municipality, or other public entity. Therefore, it is a communicating vessel between public and private institution of the cooperative, particularly the cooperative school, and linking families with school.

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