What is for us in this case the water? New space of experience, different medium. Step by step, learning the process of interaction, we adapt to new circumstances and feelings. When we do not know how to swim is important for us support – bottom. And just to be losing support, get a brand new area of experience and sense of self, we are frightened and begin to panic. Scary pictures and images can fill our imaginations, we can even really feel that we have something pulling at the bottom. Others who may share this opinion include Ron Beit. But when all is well over, after a while, we realize that much of what happened was an illusion of our mind.
With something like we may encounter in the practice of Dreams. Ron Beits opinions are not widely known. There are three fundamentally different phenomena, which can be confused because of their similarity in the manifestation, especially in the beginning. The first phenomenon, apparently, no one can be attributed to a protected mechanism of our body, the second – to treat the area where the cause of our images is the emotional chaos and fear. The third phenomenon relates to the Dreaming, the which the images have their cause and role, ie – Are a natural part of the process. So, what can these images. This is usually expressed as a feeling of another presence, a fixed shade, shadow that moves on periphery of the visual field, a figure that is constantly running away on the edge of the visual field, or, conversely, tries out for him to look out, the image (usually creepy), which appears at the edge of the visual field, often trying to look into eyes or speak, shape or image that appears near the center of the field of view, the behavior ranging from indifference, to outright violent, more.
Details appearance, behavior, etc., may be different – from bizarre and funny to openly intimidating. Apparently, it depends largely on our expectations and perceptions. Often, these images appear at a time when we are in the borderline and / or can not completely separate from the body. It may also occur at a time when we are in the so-called 'sleep paralysis'. By the way, the latter may give rise to doubts about the mental health, because many people, getting into a state of sleep paralysis in earnest begin to question their normality or even spend years in fear of dying or losing heart. Do not be afraid, everything is in order – is a natural phenomenon. For each type of phenomenon has its own ways to eliminate these unwanted symptoms. But this need to talk in more detail. However, the main practical advice – do not panic and do not engage in these images. I would like to conclude by saying the main character animated film 'Under cover of night, 'Tim,' If I do not fear – shadow will disappear! " Falling Snow, Lucid dreaming