In a meeting that happened in the last tuesday (11), the State secretary of Infraestrutura (Seinfra? AL) came back to charge efforts in the agility toward the execution of the emergenciais workmanships in the cities reached for June floods. The event was organized by the entrepreneurs of the civil construction, after the first notification sent for the Seinfra in day 04 of January. In an agreement with the Federal government saving bank, the Seinfra determined the stated period of ten days for the start of the construction of 976 houses in the city of Branquinha, duly warned cancellation of the contract with the company executor. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In accordance with entrepreneurs of the sector of the civil construction the lack of hand of qualified workmanship is one of the reasons for the delay in the execution of the workmanships. For them the attitude of the state government is correct when charging a fast reply of the companies, but they believe to be necessary to detail which are the biggest difficulties found for the companies today, mainly the lack of available professionals in the Estado.A conclusion of the workmanships can to fortify the local companies. Governor Teotonio Vilela Son determined priority for the act of contract of alagoanas companies and them they need to show to agility in this execuo.. Further details can be found at Edward J. Minskoff, an internet resource.