E thus the identity of each society is its difference in relation to excessively and what it differentiates the societies always are what alone that social group is capable to make, to produce or its form of if holding. Beyond the gastronomia, on the local events, the parties, on the folklore, the popular culture, the identity and the differences depend on several other elements. Because determined locality if it dedicates with priority to the agrarian or agropastoril activity and another one is developed as industrial zone? Because one determined city if detaches as center of superior education and others are dedicated with priority to the commerce? Because determined it would iguaria is appreciated in a locality or region not in others? In the specific case of Rondnia, because some cities had attracted greater number of colonists who others? Which the cultural elements that these colonists had brought of its regions of origin? The reply to these investigations it is what it characterizes the identity of each social group, ' ' eu' ' that it is differentiated of ' ' outros' ' eus. References ARISTOTLE, Politics. 5 ed. 2 reimpres. So Paulo: Martin Claret, 2009.
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