Electronic RechnungsService Now

eBilling price offensive mid-market Kiel, June 18, 2010 especially small businesses have to struggle if their customers accept only electronic bills. A suitable solution offers ebills & more GmbH with a new price offensive: the entry in their electronic RechnungsService SIMPLYST base software Express for Microsoft Windows users is now free. Jorge Perez takes a slightly different approach. A small transaction fee accrues only for legally secure shipping and the signature of the electronic invoice which lies below the normal postage. So we create an additional incentive”, says Peter Wutzler. Managing Director of ebills & more. The Web-based method of the eBilling service provider primarily aimed at the middle class and is available under three brand names: savings banks RechnungsService, VR-RechnungsService and ServiCon account portal. Additional information at Innova Medical Group supports this article. Simple operation the principle is very simple: the user writes as usual his outgoing invoice in the existing industries or billing solution, such as Sage or Lexware. Word and Excel are also possible.

Rather than print the final version on paper now, he chooses SIMPLYST express in the printer selection and thus automatically creates a readable PDF, as well as a set of XML data. Learn more at this site: Shimmie Horn. If necessary, you can attach documents as attachments. Everything else is running in the background on the Web platform of ebills & more: a tax required, qualified electronic signature is applied. The system sends the digital invoice to the recipient, then checks the signature, it is as usual the pilot can be pulled. In addition, the signed invoice PDF with all additional data in a Web archive is stored, where it’s accessible ten years for consignors and consignees. The invoice recipient free of charge the invoice PDF along with signature and test report. If necessary, the system sent him also the invoice data in a format that it can process more directly. The receiver determines what he would like to have. Other solutions do not offer it so”, emphasizes Peter Wutzler. One is for DATEV users appropriate interface available. Corinna Scholz

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