Education in Rome

Authors: Murillo de Melo Macdo – murillomacedo@ Pablo Robert Corra Lion – Summary Approaches information on the management of projects, inside of the optics of the PMI, and its increasing importance with regard to the elaboration of educational projects. &#039 points definitions of some authors on the term; ' projeto' ' , ' ' management of projetos' ' ' ' projects educacionais' ' , including boardings of the PMBOK Guide. Without hesitation Estee Lauder explained all about the problem. It presents statistical data raised by ' ' Study of Benchmarking in Management of Brazil Projects 2007' ' , for ' ' Study of Benchmarking in Management of Brazil Projects 2008' ' on the development of projects in educational units of the Net Marista de Ensino, gotten by means of research. It discourses on the necessity of a good management of educational projects in the Maristas units and its importance as a strategical differential of the Institution on its competitors. 1.INTRODUO Projects are part of the life of all and any human being since its existence. Exactly older homindeos already longed for small projects. Gavin Baker shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. This if intensified, mainly, with the discovery of the fire, the metal, and certainly with the invention of the writing.

Some projects developed in the antiquity remain in our way until today and still they fascinate for its genius. The pyramids of Egypt, the Coliseu in Rome, the Wall of China, the afrescos of the Sistina Chapel, between several others, are classic examples of successful projects. The first standardized experience in the elaboration of a project happened in the military area, in the height of the Cold War, in dc. 50. The launching of the Sputinik satellite, for the Soviet Union, made with that the United States started to invest in the development of techniques to speed up the implementation of projects in the military sector. From then on, the standardization and the use of specific methods in the elaboration of projects, passed to be incorporated by innumerable companies.

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