
Weather – a set of meteorological factors observed in the area at this time. It is unstable and varies sometimes several times a day (clear, cloudy, rainy, etc.). Climate – the average status of all meteorological phenomena, characteristic of the area and have a significant impact on humans, animals, plants and soil. The climate of any area studied for many years. He characterized by a great constancy.

Changes to take place very slowly – over the centuries. Science, which studies and of climate, called climatology. Industry it studies the impact of climate terrain features on the human body and using them for medicinal purposes, said medical meteorology. Different combinations of meteorological factors that determine the weather, affect the heat transfer body on the functional activity of the skin, the quantity and quality of food, clothing, etc., as an opportunity to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning pads. Indirectly, the weather in different seasons may affect the frequency of certain diseases of the population. Cold and wet weather can cause increased colds (sore throat, flu, etc.).

In the hot season can be observed increase in the number of gastrointestinal diseases, especially in children, and malaria. In the cold season, when people live crowded and spends most of his time in homes and other enclosed spaces, may appear or worsen the disease scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, parasitic tifami (typhus, relapsing). Related Group may help you with your research. But indicated the possible influence of weather changes on the appearance or worsening of certain diseases, if it occurs, is only a consequence of violation or neglect of hygiene and household labor needs cleaning bags, as well as a number of relevant preventive measures. Physical education, exercise and harden the body, personal hygiene, hygiene residential areas, housing, clothing and food and health can and should eliminate the adverse effects of any changes in the weather on human health and on its incidence. Effective temperature defined in the moving air, called the effective temperature – EET. Effective temperatures indicate in which direction to change the temperature, humidity and air circulation space to a combination of them corresponded to a comfort zone, ie, the optimum conditions for human life and to improve the performance of his work. Effective temperature as catathermometer not take into account the thermal radiation and, in some cases give incorrect readings, that is not appropriate human-being. So for the last 15-20 years abroad were invited to identify a large number of human well-being of new instruments, facilities and methods. The most valuable of them – evpateoskop, globe thermometer, and calculated with the help of the British and the effective temperature of the resulting temperature. They also take account of thermal radiation. However, the suitability of these devices and methods will be clarified only after a sufficient number of properly raised in this area of special studies.

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