Development Tool

Whether private or public companies. Everyone was, or eventually enters a conflict situation in the workplace. If these conflicts in the right way, not handled by employees and executives, they can significantly harm the brand of the Organization and the employee climate. Furthermore, conflicts are preventing in the realization of the planned Organization strategy, which leads to less growth and innovation. Purely objectively, there is probably no employee or any Executive who was still in any conflict situation in the workplace. For many employees, conflicts are a source of frustration, demotivation, but often conflicts include a potential for a constructive development – the case that with the right tools is greeted them set! Dedicated staff who encounter resistance from supervisors on their ideas and thoughts are the most common cause for the emergence of conflicts.

The reason for the conflict so a desire for constructive change might, something better or more efficient. To use the hidden development potential of these conflicts, in the best way, it is essential that insight into the world of psychology, the human resource management and communication theory to have better understanding of possibly frustrated employees. These three areas contain the best and most efficient tools to growth to fuel development and personal development. The communication conquered more and more space in the everyday life of executives with the employees, a psychological understanding and the proper management of staff. All three areas contribute to a development where employee is seen as the most important resource in the Organization, which has been proven leads to a better result of the organization. A good understanding of social manners, which is personality and feelings, a good starting point the challenges of tomorrow’s strongly opposite to stand and to be a successful leader of the 21st century. Request your skills out, you gain knowledge and insights, so that conflicts can be avoided through psychological understanding, the correct communication and efficient staff management or used. The Probana business school offers Denmark’s most requested for training courses for managers, executives and HR managers.

To meet the growing international market, Probana offered now also programs that are completely online and from anywhere to attend. Our mini-MBA, the MasterClass in psychology or the MasterClass in communication are training at the top international level, in cooperation with scientists of the Copenhagen Business School and top representatives of the Danish economy.

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