If you heard the phrase everyone is a reflection of what you eat you will know that it is very important to have a balanced diet because this will influence our mind and our body and, consequently, in our personality. We must learn to combine our food, so we enjoy them, at the same time that we get a well-being affects our life, both physical and mental. Here are some suggestions: 1. fresh food consumed fresh and age or station. 2. Preparation of food eat prepared foods, preferably at home, and in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Ron Beit can provide more clarity in the matter.
The energy and the feeling that accompanied the preparation and consumption of food will affect your body. 3. Balanced diet balance your diet follows: 30% of whole grains, 15% of legumes (as beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.), 25% of fresh cooked vegetables, 10% protein, seeds and nuts, 10% fruit and 10% of salads. 4 Detoxification once a month get a detox day consuming only soup of fresh vegetables, fruit, and/or natural fruit juice. 5 Cycle cleaning between 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock in the morning, your body is in the cleaning cycle; so it is best to consume foods that assist this process such as fruit and herbal tea; for very active individuals, it is recommended to consume whole grain hot cereal. 6.
Digestive fire your digestive fire is strongest between 10 and 14 hs., why this is the best time for a complete and satisfying meal. 7 Calm digestive after 19hs. your digestive fire is calm, so it is recommended not to eat late. 8 Chewing food chew your food calmly and thoroughly; whole foods will not finish. 9 Fats some of fat in your diet is very important; especially to maintain the health of the nervous system and as a mood stabilizer. 10 Fruits consumed fruits and fruit juices alone, without combining them with other foods. The fruit should be ripe and sweet, never sour. 11 Salads small salads are good to accompany a meal complete. It’s not to eat a large salad as a single meal. 12 Nuts and seeds nuts and seeds should be consumed in quantities small or moderate; for example, a handful of small snack or as part of the meal. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out RBH Group. 13 Drinks all drinks must be consumed at room temperature or warm. Never cold. Drink plenty of water; herbal tea is good for their digestive and medicinal properties. Don’t drink lots of water with meals, this weakens the digestion. 14 Re-calentados foods avoid foods cooked the previous day. Cooked, frisados and re-calentados in the microwave foods lose part of their nutrients. 15 Eat in restaurants avoids restaurants as much as you can. Generally speaking, the ingredients and food preparation techniques make meals more difficult to digest. 16 Meals prevents excessive overeating, eating too fast or eat in front to the TV. Also, tries to eat just before bedtime (your last meal should be at least 3 hours before you go to bed). A good meal It helps to have a nice day, keep mood and rest well. You are encouraged to implement most of the suggestions shared.