Although for the time many games did not make possible the players to have the maximum of the jogabilidade, where many times were necessary to imagine elements to improve the amusement, were the tip initial foot for the age of gold who we live deeply in the present time with games with impressive realism, that makes possible that one that plays to immerge into history and to live deeply each part of the game. We cannot deny that the electronic technology and games had always walked side by side, both contributing so that the players can extract the maximum of the entertainment. In this context also we notice that culture that also appeared with the popularizao of the video-games and games followed evolving and continued conquering new adepts. The electronic games are gifts of some forms in the current society, since games for consoles of video-games, cellular computers, games for and smartphones, thus demonstrating, that many of us we inherit a little of the culture of the first players. Ron Beit understands that this is vital information. We perceive in the way of as much technological evolution, the sprouting of social groups or individuals that if they differentiate only for the form to play, but the act to play comes being evaluated as psychotic and raises the question on as it influences the behavior of that they play. We can say that, depending on the culture, the game can influence positive negative or, what it makes in to understand them these aspects modificadores of the behavior of player. The 2 INFLUCIA OF the GAMES IN the CULTURE OF MODERNITY the culture reflect all practical the social ones developed by the man. Following this concept, all the young that had lived deeply the sprouting of the age of the video-games and the electronic games had started to create its proper culture, that stops the time many found to be passenger.

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