Archive for September 29, 2019

Economic Development Ministry

Simply to say that at this stage, discussion of the amendments are more questions than answers. Participants 'roundtable' drew attention to the global question: what is generally considered of the property and that, in fact, will be evaluated in batches. Besides, what would be the classification of objects? In fact, the correct classification of the object to one class or another will depend on the amount of collected tax. Estee Lauder can provide more clarity in the matter. It is also a big question remained method of evaluation objects. As the president of the Russian Collegium of Appraisers Alexander Galuska, in the case of the methodology of assessing the situation resembles 1998, when a law was passed "On Valuation activity ', which was given to the definition of' market value ', but not approved by the standards by which it must pay. 'It is encouraging that the Ministry of Economic Development will soon prepare these guidelines' he said. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the agency has three guidelines for assessing property, but does not yet have guidelines for the evaluation of buildings and premises, and based on the experience of several working groups of departments.

His vision of solving these problems MAYOR sent to the Ministry of Finance and is waiting for this year's response. It's one thing when it comes to purchased 2-3 apartments on one floor and converted into a single space, and quite another thing – if it is a unique large-scale industrial facility. Even in the case of flats, not all is clear: the cadastral and market value of real estate private expert will be different, but consider this object in the cadastral list – as a single or as a separate object 2.3.

ICT Administration

On January 1, 2010 came into force e-Administration, a key date in which materialized the work of four years of study, development and implementation of information and communication technologies; a major effort being carried out both public administrations such as companies who are creating solutions and electronic applications. This conversion, adaptation and electronic bureaucratization is a slow and intense process; strides than the Administration, aware of the challenge that implies, is approaching from the foundations, on the basis of a change of mentality and a cultural opening to the modernization of tools and work processes. And all this has a purpose very clear and defined: improve services, simplify procedures and optimizing technological and communications infrastructures, that is to carry out operational efficient. The silent revolution in the public administration, the public sector is making a huge effort, investing much time and resources to adopt ICTs as tool, still tangible in projects that have been conducted with the public sector and which are already running optimally and in improvements and constant updates that we made. However, there is still long way to go, has to be a more secure legal regulation, a more standardized personal equipment and greater collaboration from public authorities.

We have to be aware of what this change will assume this great silent revolution that is being held here and now and that we are protagonists. Control purchase processes understanding this reality, the Administration has focused this year on a series of processes, among them, one of the most important: the records management of hiring, which also represents one of the most regulated activities that can be found in the public sector. Deploy a tool that controls the entire process, from detection of the need to act in reception, and can carry out the task of registration, archiving, distribution and retrieval of documents, ensuring the principles of transparency and confidentiality, it is an innovative solution that contributes to the optimization of the operational internal by increasing agility and control in the process of purchasing management. In addition to be focused in this area, are being carried out important projects as a registry of input/output, telematic register, administrative management, billing telematics and the citizen portal. Numerous institutions and public bodies, both local and as central, have placed their trust in ICT solutions that integrate these processes transparently.

Administrations choose advanced technology solutions tailored to their processes of managing large volumes of documents and content, such as records management, the record of entry and exit of correspondence or the preparation and distribution of press releases. Today, more than never ICT solutions companies are closer to the Administration, helping them to identify their needs and implementing specific solutions to the needs of the Administration in close collaboration. Aware of the path that must travel, selected with care to his traveling companion, because as said Charles Darwin did not survive the strongest nor the most intelligent but which is able to adapt more quickly to the changes.

The Relationship

So, you can experience their image of their companies in a comprehensive manner. With this knowledge, the self-conception as an Executive in your company to act more comprehensively and more importantly is also coherent. Also the actually existing self-image of the company”is thus experienced in a new way. “Learn your company as an entity, that his soul” generated from the values, skills and the behavior of the staff. You get a comprehensive understanding of the possibilities and opportunities of the positive development for your company to translate this in growth and yield.

The method of the Unternehmenspanoramahilft specifically in this way to go ahead. It will be assisted to become very aware of your company’s objectives and to formulate them in a successful manner. You can see the relationship of inside and outside their company, which is crucial for the success of the company. You identify task panes, which still should be edited in the company, promoting success to take effect. You will develop a personality profile”your company that is consistent for the customers, the suppliers, the employees and the business environment and also their concerns taken into account. A planning of the further course of action is built from the knowledge gained.

Thus the sense of performance and personality is all involved”the company made tangible. You know a motivating integration and be taken – in the sharing – on the way to the new company’s personality. On the basis of the company panorama can executives in the company of common goals and tasks define and successfully implement. The executives experience a larger and deeper insight into the business world – away assumptions – which supports their motivation and thus contributes to an actual improvement in the corporate reality. Last but not least is located in Your company improve the communication behavior. What is the procedure in the company? The company is divided into 5 sections, each individual area gives another insight into the company.

Administrative Sciences

Weiss reminds us, that you know, that the labour market, employment, even in period of high unemployment, not always can respond quickly to the needs of workforce of the company, if only by reason of the specific skills they need significant investment in training. The company must manage their human resources, especially through the management policies that contemplate the personal development of each, in addition to being vigilant control of a good social audit. So says Weiss, two performances of anticipatory of the person management, have been developed as we are interested in man as a person, trying to continue to provide for your itinerary, or according to contemplate the men as sectoral or global category and us to worry the development of a professional population. On this last, have been insisting on the Carabobo University our case, especially for the school of administration, industrial relations, and since then, for the Area of postgraduate degree in Administrative Sciences, specifically in the field of quality and productivity, the provide the modern, up-to-date, knowledge enabling human resources management to take more seriously the Venezuelan worker needshis sensitivity, growth, training, organizational culture, ergonomics and quality of life. Hence, our constant insistence to carry out research that give information of what the current reality of human resources in organisations, their achievements, obstacles, their social audits. It should not surprise us, that comment, that whatever the value of internal strategies (choice of policies, goals and) main objectives and the attribution of the great resources of the company to action programmes), the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of established social pilotage, conditioned the success of the company in the achievement of their projects, as in the University. Not it not surprising, that the ultimate responsibility of the Organization as Weiss – indicates it can be everywhere.

Thus, by analogy with the function of auditing accounting and financial, seen arise, for decades a, a new function concerning social audits, i.e. audit of social pilotage of any organization. The function of auditing social must be exercised on a permanent basis and continuously; This is according to experts, a privileged observatory for the development of organizations, i.e., better management of the complex man/organization, aspect that has been neglected significantly. Be considered, rightly, the auditor must be a real agent for the improvement of the address of the complex man/organization, working with the means available, striving to make progress; be competent professional, that would place him above responsible for services ranging audit. Know the company well and able to capitalize factor confidence indispensable to the success of his mission, effective methods and some authority induced by the psychological distance against an unknown Ambassador, not be influenced or manipulated by the interest of some above the company. We must not pass through unnoticed, the efficiency of the conduct of the Group at the stage of progression toward its objectives, requires the optimization of the synergy effects and the reduction of the effects of antagonism.


Features very valid, given that a good manager should have a full command of his self-control, properly handle their emotions and know manage, control of your staff. About this insist on seminars, courses, workshops that we dictate, since in the case of many managers leave much that say the absence of the proper handling of self-control, know to properly handle their emotions in such a way. that does not generate conflicts, otherwise, have to know you encourage based on personal growth, creativity, and productivity. To this is added the relevance of encourage the mindset strategist that every manager has, to this end, need to provide modern knowledge troop administrative science and other disciplines such as psychology, sociology, emphasis is placed on to encourage creative and innovative potential that each person brings, providing the necessary tools that will step in for real, workable, successful strategies. We also share with the importance, relevance that a good manager must know how to handle the oral and written communication, favouring that staff fully informed of all actions undertaken by the Manager based on achievements, results favouring all.

This is very important, because the management is responsible for the success or failure of a company, it is essential to direct the Affairs of the same. Provided that there is a group of individuals pursuing an aim, becomes necessary, for the group to work together in order to achieve the same, maintain good communication. Currently, given the characteristics of the economic scenarios very dynamic, changing, challenging, threatening, transformative, but also full of opportunities is required of managers to ensure security through their modern knowledge of science Administration and its tools demonstrating ability of analysis, evaluation, diagnosis, interpretation on them. As well as capabilities of innovation, creativity, generating new ideas that give step if necessary transformations that they favour the development of the Organization and know face the changes and challenges. Having a good technical ability required of managers with leadership ability, coach, empowerment in order to properly manage the resources of the company, in particular, the human resource knowing leverage the talent of its staff, the human capital, in such a way, that guarantee productivity, cohesion of equipment, motivation, performance, job satisfaction. Specifically authors such as Garcia and Martin (1980), Hersey and Blanchard (1977), Terry and Franklin (1986), agree that three types of skills, capacities to effectively develop the managerial work is necessary.

These are: the technical ability: involves the ability to use technical knowledge, methods, techniques and the means necessary for the execution of specific tasks. It involves specialized knowledge, analytical capability, easy to use techniques and tools. It can be obtained through formal education or through personal experience or others. The human skill: is sensitivity or ability of the Manager to work effectively as a member of a group and achieve cooperation within the team that directs. The conceptual ability: is the ability to perceive the Organization as a whole, recognizing its elements, interrelationships between the same, and as changes in any part of the organization they affect or may affect the other elements.

Administration Educator

The social benefit and economic is patent by the attention given to certain groups who hardly have access to other systems of care, by the processes of change that are generated, by the own involvement and qualitative effectiveness of the educator and because social work relations should be horizontal and promotion to achieve real change. Contact information is here: Ron Beit. do r a? new? Educator among young people: the street educator not only works with drug addicts, criminals, extravagant youth, etc., because the subjects and objects of programmes and specific interventions, but that its action among youth are motivated because they are at a stage of life that will help you to accompany in these situations of conflict inherent in adolescence. The educator is the experiences that young person accumulates can be positive and serve as a background for your future adult. And since those significant spaces, areas, times and activities where they are and make: corners, streets, cultural centers, bars, associations for which the young person remain in an educational environment will take delegates educational accompany, support, they suggest, to do bridge, etc. If this type of care measures are not empowered it is easy that many young people have difficulties in the process of social integration, with what the conflict will exacerbate still further. (Not to be confused with Estee Lauder!). From the Administration and non profit organizations are designed premises, equipment, programs, etc.

they are useless for all young people and of those who remain outside those that precisely often is projected. It happens that they access these services who need it the least and have easily incorporated into other more informal resources. An open Center, for example, is a special service to accommodate teenagers in slum areas, where adult presence of an animador-educador can give much play for possible performances and new projects. Do do the educator function will always be the incite, support the process of transition, socialize, contribute to the acquisition of autonomy, etc., without the need to monitor, protect, dispose, tutelary knows which?

Public Administrations

Every day plus the companies and the organisms effective and more and more efficient public they are showing to a special interest for being in the performance of its processes and their operative daily one. The technology puts to its reach innovating tools that contribute to the impulse of their evolution. To control the processes of hiring and purchases, in all phases, supposes as important work as complex; it is managed and a great volume of official documents is generated, interact numerous employees and distintitos departments and with different profiles, it is necessary to be pending of times and uses as well as to know the state in which are the files, to have registered to suppliers and bidders and power to have information to operate the managed information. Add to your understanding with Edward Minskoff. This situation has like conseceuncia that certain tasks, that are habitual, become complicated, that loses information throughout the management, that it is not had visibility on the general state of all the files, and take place uncontrolled delays by the lack of reminders of uses and its corresponding warnings. The Law 30/2007, elmarco legal In addition, we were before a frame you bequeath that, at the same time as impels the innovation, it demands specific requirements to the Public Administrations and the companies that serve their to her; an adaptation becomes necessary of the systems to Law 30/2007, of 30 of October, Contracts of the Public Sector. In order to resolve these problems and power to do against this situation, the departments of purchases and hiring are resorting to tools that, through the innovation, help to control the information and the processes. Edward J. Minskoff Equities: the source for more info. Optimization of resources and process control New technological applications are able to automate the procedure of contracts, defining all the passages of the process and, of this form, guiding the user in each one of the phases of the hiring.

Technological solutions that offer the possibility automatically of generating all the necessary official documents from a definition of groups, as well as to accede to repositorio of information that allows to see, the state of the files transacted at every moment, and that makes possible a simple integration with other external systems that help to optimize the hiring, as they are the Registry of Input/output of correspondence, the Profile of the Contractor, the Platform of Hiring of the State, and the Integral Management of Invoices. All this contributes an important optimization of the response times since, through computer science treatment of data and by means of the monitoring of information, indicators of quality and activity of the automated processes are obtained, is reduced the volume of the documentation in paper, the internal communication is made agile and served to the citizens and the interrelation with companies improve. Really, through the implantation of technological solutions, one obtains that a greater efficiency is reached and it works with the maximum effectiveness in the departments of hiring and purchases.


What we must do is to go to the /drupal/sites/default/ folder, to duplicate to the file default.settings.php and to put the name to him settings.php and soon we punctured try againEn the following screen we formed the connection to the BD.Ponemos the name of YOU that we created in 3 step and the user and password of YOU (” root” and ” ” by defect), but he is advisable to change them. We keep and we continued. In the screen that follows we formed our site. Site information Site yam: The name that we want to put (” Sitio” for the example) Site email address: The direction of mail of the site Administrator account Username: The administration user Email address: The direction of administration mail Password: The administration password Confirm password: To confirm password Server settings Default Time zone: To mark the hour zone Clean URLs: To define if to use URLs clean. This option appears deshabilitada if the configuration of also has php it deshabilitada.

Update notifications: To define if to receive or nonnotifications of update of Drupal. We keep and we continued Here we were with a perfectly ready site to begin to personalize it and to introduce to him contained, but this site this in English language, in case of wanting to install other languages is necessary to follow some steps. To change the language of Drupal First that we must do it is to unload the language to us that we wished to install. In are all the translations of Drupal, we unloaded the one that we wish. When we have unloaded we decompressed it to the file in the folder of installation of Drupal.Ahora we went to our site, we go to the list of modules and activated modules ” Content translation” and ” Locale” and we kept. Unit ” Content translation” , it allows that the content is translated in different languages and ” Locale” it adds the functionality of language handling and qualifies the translation of the user interface to languages different from the English. We notice that in the Administer-Site menu building adds a new functionality, Translate interface. We went to this option and we punctured Import to concern the new language.

We load the extension file .po that is in the folder of installation of Drupal profilesdefault ranslations and we put the name to him, and kept. Now we go to Administer-Site configuration- Languages. We notice since addition is had the language, but is necessary to eliminate it and to create it again so that it takes the translations. Therefore, we punctured the option to eliminate that one is next to the language, we verified that we have not been mistaken and eliminated. We go to the Add option language, selected the language and we kept, see as it leaves a bar that shows as the translations of interface are concerned. Finally we mark the language like default, we kept and our site already this in another language. Now if we are ready to activate modules, to change the design of the site, to introduce content, to organize it, in short, they realize that just by to explore the menus is totally possible to create a perfectly functional site and that fulfills the wished requirements.

Drug Administration

Slimming pills and fat burning without a prescription by most of the slimming pills and fat burners that do not require a prescription are available online and in stores of health across the country, but it is not always easy to know what slimming pills and fat burners are the best for you. To read more click here: Related Group. There are fat blockers, blockers of carbohydrates, metabolism accelerators, eliminators of toxic waste and all are based on formulations based on natural herbs carefully researched, and whose beneficial effects have been known for centuries by ancient peoples of some of the most remote corners of the Earth. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jorge Perez and gain more knowledge.. To buy slimming pills and natural fat burners do not need prescription and is not necessary to consult a physician prior to purchase. However, anyone with a severe medical condition should always verify that the herbal ingredients are safe to use in combination with medications you are using at the time, and that an existing condition is not aggravated by the use of these supplements. Natural slimming pills side effects: there are those? The side effects associated with slimming pills and fat burning without a prescription are minimal, and some users have reported minor effects similar to them that causes caffeine or a greater urgency to urinate.

These types of slimming pills and fat burning are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, since not deemed hazardous to health, although many of the botanical ingredients thereof have been tested and approved by the FDA for human consumption. Harmful effects of slimming drugs drugs for weight loss prescription however are subjected to a battery of clinical trials to prove its safety and effectiveness, as well as to determine the potential risks to health and the side effects associated with long-term use. These include dizziness, blurred vision, hypertension, diarrhea, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and sometimes even sudden death. So before you consider dietary drug, try a natural solution to weight loss using slimming pills and botanicals and natural fat burners. With a little willpower, regular physical exercise, and a healthy eating regime, slimming pills and natural fat burners give you soft, safe and effective assistance to achieve their goals of lasting weight loss.

Administrative Discovery

1 Introduction the object of this analysis corresponds to a space clipping of the quarter of New Discovery (Coordinates: 80' 34' ' S – 3455' 27' ' W) in the city of Recife, situated in the zone north and being situated in one of the regions of mount of the Region Metropolitan of Recife. The quarter is inserted in the Region Politics and Administrative 03 (RPA3) concern in it to the urban and ambient planning of the City hall of the City of Recife and socially planned from the municipal territorializao of the Unit of Human Development 24 (UDH24). The quarter of New Discovery is characterized by the presence of a set of territorialities, at the most diverse moments of the daily one of the resident population in the region. The formation of this space happens since the start of century XX with the advent of the exit of the mocambos of the central region of the city of Recife, what it originates the demographic explosion of the quarter, beyond this factor also exists the textile sprouting of plants in entorno of the quarter of New Discovery, making with that people comings of interior of the state if consolidated in the quarter. Its territoriality contemporary is seen as something abnormal, therefore its organization and occupation all do not allow a proportional development for its territory what it causes as effect of serious precipitations accidents, generated in the past in its older territorial part, as well as today in its territory more recently busy, therefore the mounts had not only been occupation objects, but, also, the edge of the basin of the river Beberibe, having as consequence the cut of the ciliar bush, the disappearance of species of the flora and the fauna and the death of the river. The calls institutions, Church Baptist Missionary in New Discovery, Group Woman Wonder, Church Catholic Ours Mrs.