The present article has for objective to argue the importance of the Special School for the partner-cultural development of the person with deafness and as practical the pedagogical ones, in this environment, can be successful. To take care of to this intention it is pointed that the preconceptions constructed throughout the time on the educational condition of the deaf person are atrelados to an ideal model of society that privileges ' ' ouvinte' ' , causing to that individual the segregation and social exclusion. For in such a way, the passage of the education of the deaf pupils is argued, emphasizing in history, the value of the Language of Signals and the diverse conceptions and communicative boardings that perpassaram/perpassam the education of the same ones. In this direction some implications and limits of the educational inclusion of the deaf people in the contemporaneidade are analyzed. Still in this context, it is emphasized that the attendance in the Special School will be able to promote the beginning of the equality, the desmistificao of the prejudiced culture that underestimation the intellectual potential of this apprentice, and the valuation of its description-social context. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: deafness special school language of signals Introduction During much time, educators of this and other countries had fought so that the school included in its context, children and young with deficiency.
The educational inclusion comes if materialize in the after-modern societies that face the challenge to coexist the heterogeneidade and the particularitities of the human being well. In the bulge of these quarrels on the valuation and respect to the dignity human being the individual with educational necessities meets special, in result of the deafness, that for a long period was subject of compassion and exclusion in social and familiar its entorno. Thus, in the contemporaneidade, it is defended idea of that this considered population erroneamente as ' ' desvalida' ' ' ' inabilitada' ' it has access to an education space that promotes its professional and educational development.