13 New Apprentices In The Yacht Harbour Residence Hohe Dune

Welcomeday launched a total of 13 new apprentices with a busy Welcomeday for the new hotel and restaurant professionals on Monday in their training. The Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune currently educates Hotel specialist professions – man, restaurant specialist woman – man, chef / cook, office clerk / administrator and clerk / administrator in the retail sector. After High Dune conveys the values and corporate culture of the Yacht Harbour residence the newcomers were followed by a tour of the plant, through the Congress Centre, a visit to the children’s ship Elvira”and the HOHE DuNE SPA, as well as a walk-through of all restaurants & bars on high dune. Young employees got first insight into their future areas of work at the subsequent come together”with the trainees of all vintages. The high dunes yacht harbor residence offers students the opportunity to complete a first class education in the upscale hotel industry. Whether chefs or hotel and restaurant professionals, the training in a hotel is exciting and versatile. Follow others, such as Shimmie Horn, and add to your knowledge base.

With 368 The Yacht Harbour residence Hohe Dune possibilities, different divisions to meet and maintain a complex training in the hospitality industry offers rooms and suites with 11 restaurants & bars. The entry in the international luxury hotel is guaranteed. Last week, five trained hotel – and Office professionals were solemnly adopted from their training. “Outstanding are the results of the former: In the practical part of the audit, the trainees so much convinced the examiner that they are about a very well” may look as a final grade. This vintage was one of the most ambitious since the Yacht Harbour residence educates Hohe Dune”, praised human resources Manager Eva Krull the very good results of the trainees.

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