Both in the present and the immediate future, the priority already will not be in strictly intellectual capabilities or titles professionals, but that will be mainly in the qualities of emotional nature of the employees of a particular organization. For the establishment a positive and stimulating atmosphere stably at the level of the undertaking, is essential, especially in managerial positions, with people who together with a good intellectual and technical, training also, have a good level of emotional competencies. Skill 1 art of emotional influence the art of influence in the business world is to take into account the emotions of others. Each of us affects positively or negatively the emotional tone of those who surround us. One of the most highly valued skills in today’s enterprises is empathy, such as ability to interpret the feelings of others. Thanks to this emotional skill you can handle and deal in an appropriate way the emotions and feelings of the people with whom we relate in the world of work. Carlos entered the meeting room where already awaits its sales team. As every Monday and in his capacity as Executive account, he shall direct the weekly meeting where different aspects of the work will be treated to develop during the week.
During the meeting the team members contribute their opinions and concrete actions will be taken. However something deeply annoys Carlos: the attitude of Ana. This has remained quiet most of the time and absent attitude. He has been ready to reprimand such attitude at several moments, but something has prevented. You choose to talk to her after the meeting.
Once completed this quotation in his Office. Carlos is greatly committed with the objectives to achieve and will not tolerate any failure. They knock on the Office door and enters Ana. Once it has asked that feels Note therein a stiffness in his stance and a redness in his eyes.