The School

Moving away itself from its family and the net of characteristic neighborhood of the zone agricultural and of the small localities, the mother did not have plus who helped it to take care of of its children. More info: Edward Minskoff. From there, the necessity to count on day-care centers and daily pay-schools to leave the children. To the families of middle class and upper middle, the formal education, that is managed by the school, started to be plus a consumer good. On account of the time that is absent, it are of house, the parents wait that the school plays the role that fits to them, delegating it them functions that would be of them. Since they pay therefore they find that the school has that to make responsible for this work. The parents deliver the children and want that the school speaks, for they, on its children. Sheep (2005, p.12) says that: ' ' this wants to say that the children are not being seen for the parents, who the parents do not observe its children, do not know regarding them ' '. Coast (2003, P.

2) standes out that: ' ' If you do not have capacity to integrate that son as part of its life, then she does not have son. To have son today does not mean only joy. It means to sign one promissory note that you only rescue when morre' '. It seems that, although all the transformations, the family of the pupil, independent of its social classroom, cannot be exempted of its paper and of its responsibility and the school must help it in this. Sacristn (1999) affirmed that the quarrel on the paper of the family in the formation of the citizens is essential to understand the new configurations of being able in the education. Models of interaction between the families and the pertaining to school system are being facts, and include the revision in the way as the school has functioned and of the estimated ones that they endorse the intervention in it.

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