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Summer Skin Care And Hair

When is it best to prepare for the summer? Many are accustomed to what you need to buy winter clothes in summer and winter bathing suits, which is cheaper and you can save. But I do not advise stocking creams and resources for skin care in winter to summer to go to vacation. If a bathing suit can lie on the shelf, waiting his turn, then the cream and after-sun sprays for the body is unlikely to become better. Not all are used to divide the makeup for the summer and winter, but the difference still exists. In the summer we use In addition to funds for sunbathing and cooling balms after exposure to the sun, creams and shampoos, which allow to keep a bright saturated color of hair and moisturize the skin. Follow others, such as brightwood, and add to your knowledge base.

Sun and heat are sources of skin irritation, dry hair. From ultraviolet radiation skin aging and drying, the people who have oily skin, clogged pores and inflammation occur, many appear freckles or pigmentation, hair glaze over and become like a tow – all effects of the burning sun. In hot weather do not will stand no makeup, could leak and foundation and mascara, which leads to clogging pores, hair quickly become stale in appearance, increased sweating, from which the scalp begins to itch, and her hair greasy faster. Seems to be simple, modern cosmetology offers a variety of means capable of: clean, protect and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. In general we can distinguish a few basic rules. The process of cleansing the skin should be sparing. For other opinions and approaches, find out what DOWA Metals & Mining America has to say. Use soft foam for sensitive skin, scrubs – soft with fine abrasives should not use alcohol-based lotions are better suited funds to the grass.

Mask is better to use light with extracts of cucumber or tea tree. Try less touch her face, wet and sweaty hands quickly could trigger inflammation and infection. Remember, all Summer means sun must have items! Longer give preference to creams containing moisturizing ingredients, and not nutritious. Typically, light cream available in bottles with dispensers, the so-called fluids. They are quickly absorbed and leaves no oily sheen that gives the person weight. Sunscreen component prevent premature aging. In summer, we are constantly , so one of the main creams should be namely Eye Cream. Is very important to moisturize the skin. Purchase own water spray. If you do not have my beauty shop, buy at any supermarket mineral water, it can easily replace expensive special bottle. Can buy a bottle with sprayer and use it. This method allows you to moisturize the skin, do not spoil the make-up, but the effect is very good, the skin breathes and gets the necessary moisture. It is particularly important to conduct such water treatments by who work in offices with air conditioning. Can, if there is an opportunity to tone up the skin with ice, for example, from the same mineral water or green tea. At summer time, the Council changed make-up technique to facilitate skin. Use the principle of minimalism, aggravating skin in summer is not only harmful, but just ugly. Instead of foundation you can use moisturizer with a touch-tone effect. Powder used better crumbly, lipstick can replace the shine. It is important to remember that the make-up for the summer period should contain uv filters. We should not forget about your hair, buy shampoos, conditioners, styling hair sun protection factor! Remember that summer hair fade in the sun, takes this into consideration when staining, use shampoos that protect them, save the color. More often if possible, use hats, protection of the hair is very necessary.


This is truly a miracle cure for just few minutes will solve your problems! Your skin it is clear from dead cells, improves complexion, removes vascular pattern; (it only takes 1-2 minutes) Just wipe your lemon face. It refreshes and tones skin. Lemon contains enzymes that help cleanse the skin from dead cells. Lemon – true salvation for oily, problem skin: it tightens, purifies and strengthens the skin, improves its nutrition. For Some people undiluted lemon juice can be a pretty aggressive way. In this case, wipe the face with diluted lemon juice (mix it 1:1 with mineral water or boiled water).

This procedure is also useful for acne. Rinse and dry the skin after it is not recommended. Besides lemon juice gradually relieve you of unwanted freckles and age spots. A slack skin makes it more fresh and elastic. Get rid of freckles or make them less visible to help mix of lemon juice, water and vinegar, taken in equal amounts. If the skin is dry, add a little glycerin. Your teeth it will make lighter on several colors (!), reduce bleeding and relieve inflammation of the gums, and prevent the development of caries.

(It only takes 2-4 minutes) This Rub the teeth of lemon peel. Good effect can also be achieved when brushing your teeth in the morning and in the evening with lemon juice. For this purpose, soaked in lukewarm water, toothbrush, squeeze a little lemon juice and proceed with the procedure. Lemon juice can be added to the water to rinse your teeth – this is especially useful for caries, periodontitis and gingivitis. This rinse will reduce the toothache. In addition to the dazzling smile above procedures give you fresh breath Your elbows get lighter, softer and softer. (It only takes 5-10 minutes) For this dry, darkened skin of the elbows is enough to wipe every half a lemon. A few minutes later a lemon rinse with warm water, dry elbows with a towel and apply a moisturizing cream or olive oil. dry, darkened skin of the elbows is enough to wipe every half a lemon. A few minutes later a lemon rinse with warm water, dry elbows with a towel and apply a moisturizing cream or olive oil. Your nails will become stronger and more brilliant! (It only takes 3-10 minutes) For this, wipe your nails with lemon peel pulp. Also strengthen and whiten nails baths for hands with lemon oil. Lemon juice strengthens nails: making them solid and prevent delamination. Your hair sparkled in the sun! (It only takes 5-10 minutes) For this, rinse hair after washing with water and lemon juice (effectively also mix it in equal proportions with vodka or tea brewing). This will make your hair shine! If you have dry, brittle hair and a lot of dandruff, then all of these diseases will help get rid of a lemon. Your feet get rid of unpleasant odors. To this end, 2 – 3 times a week preparing antiseptic foot bath: in the warm water, add lemon juice. Also citrus scent of lemon enhances the mood, tone, and inspires. A daily drink four cups of water with lemon helps rid the body of toxins and wastes that will not slow down favorably affect the condition of hair and skin.