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By Dropping The University

Around 130,000 students leave each year the college career. Most take this decision to begin another degree, others choose to follow a different training and some are passed to the labour market. The main factors influencing this high drop-out rate are related to the academic profile of the student, choosing wrong titling and adverse contextual variables.They start but not just. A percentage higher increasingly of students enrolled in Spanish universities, between 30% and 50% according to the data of the Ministry of education, abandon their studies before winning the title. Before the imminent implementation of the European area of higher education (EEES) the next academic year 2010-2011, many academic institutions have been marked as a challenge reduce this high rate, clear indicator of the quality of the University system of our country.The statistical data suggest that the branches of knowledge with increased rates of abandonment are social and legal sciences and teachings techniques. Factors that investigations highlighted as causes of desertion in the Humanities area stand out are degrees with less restricted access, so that more students entering with a history academic less favourable than in other races. In addition, they are mostly, securities with a greater mass of students. However, the abandonment of technical courses and experimental is more associated to the academic failure of students when they initiate the teachings.Investigations carried out on the college dropout have focused on detecting the main causes that provoke, that universities put the means necessary to avoid, in so far as their powers, the high dropout rate. Context variables age beginning of studies or the formation of the parents are some of the variables that recur repeatedly in the explanation of the college dropout. This is confirmed by results from the students dropout prediction model study University, presented at the end of last year by a joint team from the universities of Granada and Jaen.Among the conclusions of this research, is that the majority of students who dropped out the race began his studies with more than 20 years.