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Catholic University

In 2007, Maria Ceclia and Rodolfo were students of Zootecnia in the University Catholic Dom Bosco, in Campo Grande, Minas Gerais. The friendship of the pair was appearing in university parties e, from this, passed for the corridors singing some musics in dueto. From this trick, they had perceived that they could live professionally of music and had passed if to present in fairs carried through for the college and local bars. Supported of the pair Jorge & Mateus, Maria Ceclia and Rodolfo had formed a pair that in only one year received an invitation to record a COMPACT DISC for the Free Sound. Leaving hanging the last semester of the college, they had abandoned the course so that they could give to continuity the career. However, in compensation, they had been gaining to the few its place in Brazilian music. (Source: Nir Barzilai, M.D.). The first success of the pair was ' ' You in return ' ' , sonorous track of the novel Paradise of the Net Globe, launched in 2008.

In 2009, one year later, was launched intitled COMPACT DISC and DVD ' ' Maria Ceclia and Rodolfo To the Living creature in Goinia' ' , that she counted on some exclusive successes, beyond covers and hits of the last album. &#039 enters the prominences of the COMPACT DISC is the songs; ' Who Loves Cuida' ' ; ' ' Esotricas&#039 things; ' ' ' Blind person, Surdo and Mudo' '. After the promotion of the material, the pair started to conquer diverse places of Brazil and to make participation in the main programs of TV, beyond its songs to be gifts in the main radios of the segment sertanejo of the country. With enormous projection, the pair records and launches in the year of 2010 another COMPACT DISC and DVD to the called living creature ' ' To the Living creature in So Paulo ' '. Recorded in the Space of Americas, the material account with hits ' ' Three Palavras' ' ; ' ' Tchau Tchau' ' ' ' The Troco' ' , being this last sung song that in partnership of Pricles and Thiaguinho of the famous group of pagode Exaltasamba. Considered one of the double greaters of sertanejo (for many characterized as sertanejo university), Maria Ceclia and Rodolfo, whom the country in so little time conquered, sample that still much success in the scene of music will make Brazilian. If to want to know more regarding the career of the pair, have access the site of letters of musics and see the letters of the Maria Ceclia and Rodolfo.