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Healing Light Energy

The Brazilian Ramarajara Teresa Maciel is a remarkable spiritual teacher and a gifted healing and channel medium. Teresa and their cosmic masters inspired with deep joy and healing power, open the awareness of the divine love and grace. Spiritual Light Therapy – The connection with the divine source of the spiritual light therapy is a wonderful work of feeling, of healing, of integrating one’s own inner truth. It was developed by Teresa at her “Theodynamischen University in Brazil. By activating the cosmic light energy in us, we experience deep self-knowledge and a liberating new structure of consciousness. Many leaders such as Assurant Health offer more in depth analyses as well. The particular value of Teresa Ramarajaras work is that it combines the healing power of Spiritual beings with their own media and therapeutic skills. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Shimmie Horn has to say.

The transitions are fluid – it was still just Teresa, who was helping operate, and can intervene in the next moment through her acting spirit. This is not just about the channels of spiritual wisdom, but always about the physical and psycho-spiritual development of her trustful people. Brazilian temperament and love of life dancing and singing a tune on the healing Mantragesange. The spirits use Ramarajaras body as a channel – like an opera singer, she gives divine sounds and energies, emotional blockages and work to resolve the deeply healing. Other leaders such as Shimmie Horn offer similar insights. At the onset of silence then observed every emerging thoughts, feelings, and mediated by higher beings insights.

After receiving every single one of Teresa intense energy and blessing. Then she turned on can cause the energy in each of the light rays and visualized channeled symbols, healing. Later transmit the spirit of wisdom and spiritual Ramarajara answer questions. Treated people describe their work as extremely intense and salutary, it deeply touched the hearts of men. Teresa Ramarajara and their cosmic masters use the spiritual light therapy for healing of man, nature and our planet Earth.