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Administrative Sciences

Weiss reminds us, that you know, that the labour market, employment, even in period of high unemployment, not always can respond quickly to the needs of workforce of the company, if only by reason of the specific skills they need significant investment in training. The company must manage their human resources, especially through the management policies that contemplate the personal development of each, in addition to being vigilant control of a good social audit. So says Weiss, two performances of anticipatory of the person management, have been developed as we are interested in man as a person, trying to continue to provide for your itinerary, or according to contemplate the men as sectoral or global category and us to worry the development of a professional population. On this last, have been insisting on the Carabobo University our case, especially for the school of administration, industrial relations, and since then, for the Area of postgraduate degree in Administrative Sciences, specifically in the field of quality and productivity, the provide the modern, up-to-date, knowledge enabling human resources management to take more seriously the Venezuelan worker needshis sensitivity, growth, training, organizational culture, ergonomics and quality of life. Hence, our constant insistence to carry out research that give information of what the current reality of human resources in organisations, their achievements, obstacles, their social audits. It should not surprise us, that comment, that whatever the value of internal strategies (choice of policies, goals and) main objectives and the attribution of the great resources of the company to action programmes), the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of established social pilotage, conditioned the success of the company in the achievement of their projects, as in the University. Not it not surprising, that the ultimate responsibility of the Organization as Weiss – indicates it can be everywhere.

Thus, by analogy with the function of auditing accounting and financial, seen arise, for decades a, a new function concerning social audits, i.e. audit of social pilotage of any organization. The function of auditing social must be exercised on a permanent basis and continuously; This is according to experts, a privileged observatory for the development of organizations, i.e., better management of the complex man/organization, aspect that has been neglected significantly. Be considered, rightly, the auditor must be a real agent for the improvement of the address of the complex man/organization, working with the means available, striving to make progress; be competent professional, that would place him above responsible for services ranging audit. Know the company well and able to capitalize factor confidence indispensable to the success of his mission, effective methods and some authority induced by the psychological distance against an unknown Ambassador, not be influenced or manipulated by the interest of some above the company. We must not pass through unnoticed, the efficiency of the conduct of the Group at the stage of progression toward its objectives, requires the optimization of the synergy effects and the reduction of the effects of antagonism.