Before every parent sooner or later the question arises as to give your child learn? The level of education in secondary schools over time is reduced. Reluctance of teachers to work for small salaries, lack the training manual, state school facilities – all this affects the general level of knowledge of students. And now, your child can not go to college on a budget basis. In addition, the question of the morality of today's students. Many of the children first hear foul language from their classmates, and say nothing about drugs and smoking are increasingly found in mainstream schools.
A good alternative in this matter may be lyceum or gymnasium. Even public school education is not free, so why not pay for the education of the child in an institution that focus primarily quality of education itself. According to statistics graduates of high schools and high schools often are students of prestigious colleges and universities. Further details can be found at Nir Barzilai, M.D., an internet resource. Well-developed system and extracurricular activities – sightseeing and research. Particular attention is paid to the study of foreign languages – English, French and German. Particularly pious Orthodox parents can choose schools for their children.
For example, the gymnasium of St. Basil the Great. Where children can learn in addition to the usual humanities and technical subjects: history, literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, and disciplines of classical grammar school – Latin, native literature, rhetoric, calligraphy and Church Slavonic. In the Orthodox schools and high schools actively maintained regular contact with children and teachers and pastors of the church temples. In the Orthodox schools have more opportunities to protect children from abuse, vulgarity and cynicism of the world. In issues of moral education teacher of the Orthodox school relies on faith and the Commandments, is trying to persuade children to a good attitude to all their surroundings.