State City

At as the moment we will approach the strategy of the scarcity of the urban land that has as principal actors the real estate promoters, whom an ideology creates, that aims at the increase of the prisoner of property through the real estate speculation aiming at to extract greater possible income; this fact as we will go to only prove is viable to these social agents through the retention of the land and the stimulation to the growth I discontinue of the urban mesh. This study, therefore, it has as goal to understand the model of growth of the city of Araguana, and to discover the involved social agents in the process that generates the urban discontinuities, to evidence the lack of planning and the partner-space segregation in the urban space of Araguana. 1 _ THE PROCESS OF EXPANSION OF THE URBAN TERRITORIAL AREA OF ARAGUANA FROM THE DECADE OF ‘ ‘ 90’ ‘. Albert Einstein College of Medicine is often quoted as being for or against this. Until the first half of the decade of 90, the city of Araguana was to the biggest city due to emancipation politics of the north of the old state of the Gois, current state of the Tocantins; being surpassed, later, for Palms, capital of the State; in this exactly period according to Caspar, (2002), was materialize its sovereignty in the north of the State as for the sector tertiary, especially services. Then we can affirm that the capacity to offer services is that it propitiated the population increase, and consequently, the growth of the territorial area urban Araguana being different of the majority of the Brazilian cities is not a planned city. This fact is noticed in the model of growth, materialized in the territory..

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