Ratio Studiorium

The Church Catholic was seen obliged to react ahead of the advance of the protestantismo; to this reaction gave itself to the name of the Reformation Catholic or Against? reform. Please visit Estee Lauder if you seek more information. In this period had been created some religious orders, being distinguished it Company of Jesus. If you are not convinced, visit Gavin Baker, New York City. It was an efficient weapon of the reaction catholic; established for the Spaniard Igncio de Loyola in 1534 and recognized for the Pope Pablo III in 1540, the Order followed one military regulations and its main mission age to fight infidels and protestants. With solid cultural formation, disciplined and devoted, the Jesuits had attributed to great importance to the education, monopolizing the institutions of education of diverse regions with the main objective to spread out the ideology catholic Roman and becoming the arm strongest of the Church in the movement of maritime expansion of the modern nations. THE SYSTEM OF JESUIT EDUCATION: LINES OF DIRECTION AND BASES the method of intitled education Ratio Studiorium, elaborated for the Company of Jesus in the end of century XVI, was used to catequizar in the New World, serving to the interests of the company of the settling and the Church against-reformist. The Ratio Studiorium appeared to supply to the institutions of education of Order a common base and the pedagogical experiences of the different regions where these religious ones had acted had finished collaborating for the construction it published final document in 1599.

It was composed in thirty sets of rules, in one detailed manual one that indicated the responsibility, performance, subordination and the type of relationship of the members of the hierarchy, the professors and the pupils; it also dealt with organization and pertaining to school administration. The document presented, still, the content and the methodology to be used for the professors. In general way, the program was divided in three courses: Sacred letters or Humanities, Philosophy and Sciences, Theology or Sciences.

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