What it lacks according to this author is the direction, a significao that could support the experiences of the people. The philosophical if manifest experience in the pertaining to school space when the professor allows young an opening for it searchs of the Real (BORNHEIM, 1976). If to distribute the contents, the concepts, subjects and start to parade the authors of philosophical thoughts, without if to attribute Real meant of these thoughts to the students, relating them it the current questions, seems to be an mistake. As Gallo (2008) if cannot deprive the young proper Brazilians of it to make, the movement of the philosophical experience, and adds that this only if becomes possible, when makes sensible they to learn Philosophy. Severino (2007) designates that the experience of the express subjectivity if basically from the capacity of the men to institute symbolic exchanges with the objects, that are part of its context; in turn, the world alone reaches the man through the symbolic mediation. In this way, the author-thus as Pablo Freire us leads to think that to teach it is a process of relation between who teaches and who learns mediatizados for objects to be known. This process must previously be thought, assuming a position didactic-pedagogical on the part of the professor, who in the current context does not have mere to be a communicator, or transmitter of information. But that one that interacts in the educative process as what it facilitates, it makes possible and it leads the process of critical and responsible form. The process of the knowledge in Philosophy, then, acquires meant when collated to the reality; in other words, to the historical context, social, cultural and concrete students.